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"A fever is the body's healthy response to fighting off infection." The doctor said. Kurt nodded.
"I know parents don't like seeing their children in any discomfort at all, but fevers are necessary. I would just say give her some fever reducer and let her sleep to make up for lost sleep while you guys were here." The doctor said.
"Alright." Kurt said worriedly.
"If anything happens, you can call me or your family doctor, but it's just a cold." She said. I picked Bean up. We walked back out through the waiting room, a whole new set of people had to wait. We got out to the parking lot and I buckled Bean into her car seat. Kurt looked tired.

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"I'm fine." He said. We quietly drove home. Frances was asleep when we got home. I carefully unbuckled her and held her, she stayed asleep.
"I won't be able to go back to sleep." Kurt said quietly. We walked up to the house and he unlocked the door. He reached for the baby.
"You can go back to sleep, I'll put her to bed." He said. I nodded. I went upstairs to our bedroom, Kurt following closely behind. I heard them go into Bean's room. I undressed and laid in the darkness, half expecting Kurt to come to bed. My dog jumped up on Kurt's side of the bed now that there was room for him. I threw my arm around him and kissed his face. My life since Kurt had been dramatic. Dramatic to the point of it being tragic. I had no clue how to feel. I felt as if I had been cursed, or if he was hexed. I would deal with it. I fell asleep with my dog in my arms.

I woke up and checked the alarm clock, it was 9. Kurt still wasn't in bed. My dog was soundly asleep beside me.
"Who needs Kurt?" I smiled as I kissed my dog's sleepy face and rubbed his back. I decided to get up. I peeked my head in Bean's room, she was asleep on her back. I looked downstairs, I didn't see him in the living room.
"Kurty!" I said.
"Yeah!?" I heard him ask from upstairs. I walked into his study as it was the only other room I hadn't been in that morning. He was sitting on the couch with a notebook and pen in hand. His cat was sleeping beside him. He looked tired.

"What's up?" I said picking Spina Bifida up and placing her in my lap as I had stolen her spot.
"I'm writing. We're planning on a new album." He said. He was wearing striped pajama pants and a yellow torn sweater.
"Courtney gets Bean today." I said. He nodded.
"You didn't come to bed last night." I said.
"I was in here. I've been having writer's block but it all started flooding in. I decided to stay up because I don't know when I will have this much creativity again." He said. I nodded.

"Can you cut my hair?" He asked.
"Not well." I said.
"I don't want it to look good." He smiled.
"Okay." I said.

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