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"Did you kill him?" A reporter asked.

what the hell

"Ruby?! Any update on the wellbeing of Kurt Cobain?" Another asked. We shoved through them, no witty response. I had no motivation, no energy.

"You know I have to choose between you and Kurt." I said to River once we were safely inside. He nodded slightly.
"Make that me too." Billie sighed.
"What?" I asked him.
"You're so damn clueless." He smiled taking a drink of his water.
"Well I guess that means three people." I sighed.
"This is complicated." River sighed.

"They thought I killed him." I said, placing my head in my hands.
"Did you?" Billie asked.
"What the hell?" River asked quietly. Billie shrugged a bit.
"She slept beside me that night." River said.
"I grabbed her right after Kurt left." He said.
"Why would you think I would kill him?" I asked.
"I didn't, I just... Don't know."
"Why would I kill him?" I insisted.
"Money." Billie said.

I shut my eyes.

It was too much. I stood from our table and walked away from them. Out the front door of the restaurant. Not eating. I pushed through reporters crushing me, bombarding me with questions about Kurt and why I wasn't being followed by my so called friends.

A friend who accused me of killing Kurt Cobain. My chest physically ached from sadness, my sneakers crunched against dry snow on the pavement as I quickly walked away from the place I had been brought to. I didn't know where home was, I hadn't paid attention on the drive there. I walked aimlessly as snow drifted down from the overcast sky.

Maybe I could go missing too.

Not as many people would care, as everyone adores Kurt. Maybe it would be for the better, maybe it would make people happy.

Their beloved angel would be free from me, an apparent gold digging bitch.

Of course, they'd still say that I had killed him. 

We hadn't even found him dead yet.

No body.

Drama Queen (Kurt Cobain)Where stories live. Discover now