Imagination is the key

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It felt weird being home. Especially after I left without so much as a goodbye to anyone. I didn't plan on coming back but something you have no control over.

I'd forgotten what the halls of Mystic High looked like and it felt more than bizarre tobe walking down them again. Since being back in town i have been home yet, scared of what they're going to say, if anything at all. What if I've pushed them too far? What if they don't want me anymore? The thoughts kept swirling around my mind as I grew closer to my class door. My head was down staring at my shaking hands as my hair shielded my face from people's view. I took a deep breath and knocked the door lightly before pushing it open and stepping inside.

I kept my head down avoiding all curious gazes of me old classmates.

"Do you want something?" Mr Tanners voice hadn't changed over the last few months nor had his attitude. Lifting my head slightly and tilting it to the left I look at him, see if he'd recognize me.

"Miss. Gilbert?" A few gasps could be heard around the room but I refused to acknowledge them and gave Tanner a brief nod. "Erm...Take a seat" I could feel the stars of people as I walk past them to my previous seat. It took a few moment before Mr Tanner finally restarted the lesson and the students slowly turned away from me and back to what they were doing before hand.

"The comet was originally discovered nearly five centuries ago, it hasn't been over mystic falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" Tanner's voice grew annoyed towards the end and it was silent for moments before the bell rang, signaling the end of lesson. I pushed my seat out and literally ran from the classroom. I couldn't face Elena yet, I couldn't face anyone.

"What are you doing back, Lillie?" i muttered to myself as i sped down the crowded hallway before the whispering of my arrival started.


The day progressed slowly and exactly how I expected it to. People stared and whispered about me. None of them knowing where I had been or what I had done made the rumors spreading around worse. I swear i heard someone saying I was a ghost and that I had committed suicide, but some of the rumors where worse than that. I had a free period and was avoiding all contacts with other people. Which was kind of hard considering I'm at a school but it was working perfectly fine until I tripped and walked into someone. or someones. I kept my head down and stuttered out an apology before moving on, but before I could go anywhere someone grabbed my arm. This was one of the moments I was dreading and I knew it was coming.

"Lillie?" A small, broken voice whispered. The voice of Elena broke my heart. I wanted nothing more than to turn around and wrap my arms around her tightly and never let go. Her grip on my arm tighten and she spun me around to face her. She looked better than when I left. She had this light in her eyes. She was happy, and I wish that I wasn't the one ruining it. "Oh, god. It is you." Her hand left my arm but was placed on my face, griping my chin and turning my head for inspection. I closed my eyes wishing that I had covered what was remaining of my blackened eye.

"What happened?" Matt spoke from next to her. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I just wanted to cry. I'd missed these people so much, they were my family, that I left and betrayed.

"Nothing." Was the only reply I gave. It was the only thing I could think of and it seemed to anger Elena.

"Nothing?! Does that look like nothing Lillie-Ann?" I could see the anger building up gradually in her eyes as she looked down at me.

"To me it does. Considering I can't even see it!"I couldn't help it. I wanted to be nice, I wanted my sister back but it wasnt working. Nothing ever goes right for me.

"Don't plan games with me. You've been missed for months and then you turn up out of nowhere with a black eye." I could see her breaking slowly. She was torn, she wanted to hug me and tell me it would be alright but she wanted to be mad. That's the easiest thing to do, be mad.

"It's not missing if you know where you are." I murmured quietly. Obviously that was the wrong thing to say with the glare she threw at me.

"Does Jenna even know you home?" Her voice was stressed and tired, and the anger was fading in her eyes.

"No. I couldn't face her yet." I looked away from her and at the grass beneath my feet. I could feel the stare of her and matt as their eyes bore into my head trying to look for answers. Coming up blank by the sound of Elena's frustrated sigh.

"You're staying where I can see you for the rest of the day."

"What?! I'm not a baby Elena. I don't need to keep an eye on me." I cried appalled by the idea of being babysat.

"Yeah, well I no longer trust you. You either stay with me, or I force you home to Jenna. What will it be?" She let go off me and moved closer to Matt. Looking between them both I knew which option I had to choose. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest in frustration.

Elena and Matt started walking again and to make sure I stayed Elena grabbed ahold of my wrist pulling me along behind them.

"They're keeping her overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow." Matt said to Elena.

"That'd good news," I watched them interact. It was different from before, they used to be so comfortable together and now it like the complete opposite. "Did you get in touch with your mum yet?" She smiled softly as she asked, knowing it was a sensitive subject

"Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend, so... We'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home." His voice showed disgust and disappointment.

"Vicki's lucky that she's oka-" Vicki's name caught my attention and i cut Elena off. "Wait! What? Whats wrong with Vicki?" I pulled Elena to a stop and matt turned around. "What happened to Vicki?" I frantic trying to get an answer, i was on the verge of shaking Elena to get her to answer.

"She was attacked by an animal last night."

"Is she going to be okay? Is she awake? Is she allowed visitors?" I was panicking. My breathing started to increase and my hands started to shake again.

"Lillie, calm down." Elena gently grabbed the sides of my face and put her in front of me. "Deep breaths. In," she took a deep breath in through her nose "and out." and released through her mouth. I copied her actions and felt my self getting control back. We did it a few more times together and eventually my hands stopped shaking and my breathing evened out. "All better?" Elena asked and I just nodded.

"She's going to be fine, okay, just fine." Matt said to me and again I just nodded in response.

"What kind of animal attacked her?" Elena asked.

"She said it was a Vampire." A cold shiver slid down my back at Matt's answer and my eyes widened just fraction.

"What?" Elena urged, willing Matt to repeat himself.

"She wakes up last night and mutters 'Vampire' and then passes out."

"Okay, that's weird. She was probley drunk still." Elena suggested. It was Vicki they where on about, i wouldn't put it past her to get so drunk that she thinks a vampire attacked her, I mean she thought I was a fairy once. Granted i was dressed as a fairy, but still.

"You know, i'm-I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital. I want to be there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night." Matt says turning his back and walking away.

"Bye" I grumbled. I looked over at Elena who was looking at an empty picnic table before slowly taking small steps backwards. Just as i was about to turn and run Elena's hand rewrapped itself around my wrist.

"You're not going anywhere" She hissed.

Imagination is the key (stefan, Damon love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now