Chapter Eighty-Six

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Klaus' note had left me feeling anxious and paranoid for days. I knew that having him cure me would come with a price, and how stupid was I to take it. I should have let the werewolf venom kill me. I don't exactly want to die – part of me never had, however how much am I really contributing to everyone. Not everyone trusts me still a hundred percent and Damon still won't talk to me either. I know that he's technically the reason I'm still standing and that he had gone off to find Klaus to heal me, yet he still won't say a single word to me.

Why does my life have to be so complicated and confusing?

I miss him. More than I ever thought that I really would. I can't seem to get him off my mind. He's a ass there is absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever but I loved him. He was the first and only man that I have loved in my life so far and that's special to me. I knew that it wouldn't have been easy to get over him but I didn't think that it would be this hard and having him pretending that I don't exist hurts me more than I anticipated.

Surely, there's something that I can do to change that?

Although, I have a feeling that it would be to cut Stefan out of my life. Stefan barely left my side. He was always there in the morning to assure I was alright and he was always the last person I saw before I went to sleep too. Every time Stefan, Damon and I were all in the same room you could practically feel the awkwardness like a swift breeze. I pretended that I couldn't see the looks Damon sent to us but I could, and I wanted to assure him that nothing was happening between us but it was complicated.

I wanted nothing more than for Damon to look me in the eye and say that he forgives me for or at least look at me the way he used too. Now it's as if we're strangers – okay, so maybe not that extreme, but that's what it felt like. That's what he treated me like, other than when I'm dying obviously, then he cares but only enough to save me and then it goes back to the way that it was beforehand.

"Jeremy, how are you feeling today?" I asked, sitting on a bar stool beside him.

Matt looked at me from behind the bar and grinned. "Drinking today?"

"Unfortunately, not. Elena's rules, sober Lillie for the day. Plus, I'm still underage Matty, you don't want to get fired now do you?"

"Never," he said.

"Jer, aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked.

"Yes. He is." Matt replied instead.

"No," Jeremy threw a look at Matt. "I'm not shifted to work until this evening."

I cocked a brow. "After last time, you know I don't believe you, right?"

Jeremy shrugged, not really caring in the slightest. Not that I blame him at all. We've all been lying to each other a lot recently. Since Stefan and Damon moved into town more specifically. That alone should make me reconsider what I've managed to get myself into.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you being baby sat?" He asked instead.

I leaned close, "I'm hiding," I whispered.

"Now you know how I felt when you wouldn't leave me alone."

"You died," I pointed out. "I had good reason to hover."

"So do they.

"It's only one; Stefan. He won't leave my side. And it's annoying."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You're loving it."

"Am not."

I looked at Matt, "I've changed my mind, I'll take a bourbon now."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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