Ready To Make Amends

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Breath. It's ok. You're going to be ok. She won't be there. Only you and him. No one else.

I take deep breaths as I pick up my Ted Baker hand bag and walk out my apartment. I soon arrive at Starbucks and see Nathan at a table. I join him and we at both smiling. I can feel tears forming in my eyes, but I blink rapidly to fight them back.

"You said you needed to twll me something." Says Nathan as he hands me a tissue so I can wipe my tears.

"Thanks. So yeah. I was working yesterday and a woman came in. As soon as she spoke, I could tell she was French. I forced myself to believe that it wasn't Gabriella, but when she told me her name, I felt weak at the knees." I say.

"So you met Gabriella? What do you think of her?" Nathan says as he half smiles.

"She's nice. But when she said soon to be Gabriella Montgomery, that's when t hit me that we can't be together. I don't want to ruin our friendship and I think it's best that we forget about this kiss." I say as I smile.

"You're right, start fresh." Says Nathan as he smiles back.

"I think I would like to take up on that offer of coming to your wedding, that is, if the offer is still open?" I say.

"Yes. I think you'd enjoy it." Says Nathan as he eats a bit of cake.

"You really are a good friend." I say as I hug him.

We break the hug and talk some more. We end up talking about our child good which brings back lots of lovely memories. We are lost in our conversation, when we are interuppted by none other than Gabriella.

"Nathan, darling. You told me you were at a work conference. But you are not!" Gabriella says in a suttle tone.

"Gabriella. This is Harper. She's going to be attending the wedding. She's been my best from I end since we were little." Nathan says as he stands.

"I don't mean to interrupt anything, but I would like to continue my conversation with my friend." I say as I glare at Nathan.

"Wait. Your name is Harper right?" Says Gabriella.

"Yes." I say.

"I messaged you." Says Gabriella.

"I didn't get a message from you, but I did get a message from Nathan's account, but he didn't type the messgae. You did" I say as I fold my arms and smirk.

"You used my account to send a message to my best friend?" Says Ntahan.

"I'm sorry, but I felt Luke you were talking to her too much." Says Gabriella, trying to sound innocent.

"Gabriella. You told me you would never do this sort of thing again!" Says Nathan who looks hurt.

"Nathan, are you ok?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Are you ok?" Asks Nathan.

"Yeah. Look. You two should talk. Forget about the message. Go and plan your wedding and be happy." I say as I smile at the couple.

I hug Nathan and then the pair leave. I go back to my apartment and I'm surprisingly calm. After kissing Nathan, I realised that I need a man in my life. I decide to make an account on and after about 20 minutes, a few people pop up.

What are you doing? Online dating! Are you crazy? Delete the account and let the man come to you. I do what my brain says and delete the account.

I'm watching tv when I get a call from my aunt Rachel. I and we it felling excited because I advent spoken to her in a long time.

"Aunt Rachel! How are you?" I say as I begin to forget about everything.

"Harper. You need to come back to Manchester. It's important." Says Rachel.

"Why, what's happened?" I say as I begin tk wonder why she is crying.

"It's your mum. She's dead." Says my aunt as she crys her eyes out.

Those last two words made my whole world stop. I cant believe that the woman that raised me a no longer alive. Why does this have to happen to me?

"Ok. When is her funeral?" I ask as I let the tears fall down my cheeks.

"In three weeks, but the family want you to come tomorrow." Says my aunt.

"I'll get there as soon as I can. Can I bring Nathan, you know how much my mum adored him" I say.

"Yes, of course. Well be looking forward to seeing you both. Look, I have to go, but I want to twll you that the last thing your mum said was that she wanted you to know that she loved you, and that she left you your favourite cake in her kitchen" says my aunt. I laugh at how my mum always wants me to know that she loves me.

I end the call and then dial Nathan. He lived being around my mum, he was like a son to him. So how am I supposed to tell him that she's dead.

"Harper, are you ok?" Asks Nathan.

"Nathan. We are going back to Manchester for a few weeks." I say as I begin to sniffle.

"What for?" Asks Nathan.

"For my mum's funeral." I say as I cry again.

"Oh my god! Harper, I'm so sorry. I want to come to Manchester. When are w leavin?" Says Nathan.

"We are leaving as soon as I purchased these train tickets. Basically, pack your stuff and then be ready to leave early in the morning." I say.

"Ok. I'll speak to you tomorrow." Says Nathan.

"Bye." I say.

As soon as the call is disconnected, I cry very loudly. This is going to be hard and no matter how much I want to be alone, my family will always be there for me.

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