Everything's Going To Be Alright

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3 months have passed. Baby Louie was able to go home a month later. I unfortunately had to celebrate my 2 year wedding anniversary on my own, but I did get a call from Nathan. He still isn't home and I'm worried he isn't going to come home for Christmas.

"Mumma!" Says Lily.

Her speech is developing more and more each day.

"What's wrong Lily?" I ask.

"Sing." She says.

"Not at the moment. I'm trying to clean." I say.

I begin to hoover the downstairs and once im done, i go outside with Lily. We are in the garden so I put her on the bench. I walk towards the flower bed at the end of the garden, but end o falling down the stone steps. I scream as I fall, which thankfully alerts Lily. But she's one, what can she do?

"Lily. Can you get mummy phone and bring it here please." I say.

She does as she's told and as soon as I have my phone, I call Dion.

"Hello?" Says Dion.

"Dion, where are you?" I ask.

"Just got home, why?" Asks Dion.

"I'm in the garden with Lily and I fell down the stone stairs. I got Lily to bring my phone to me." I say.

I scream out in pain when I try to move my leg.

"Harper. Don't move. I'm on my way." Says Dion.

The line goes dead and I try to hold my screams in so Lily doesn't get scared. I realized that the front door isn't open, but with Dion being smart enough, she goes round the back and climbs over the fence.

"I'm gonna call an ambulance." Says Dion.

The ambulance arrives about 10 minutes later and I'm taken to hospital. I told Dion to take Lily in her car.

"Can you tell me where it hurts?" Asks the paramedic.

"My head and my left leg." I say.

"Ok. Patient on the way with a severe gash to the forehead and a broken left fibula and tibia." Says the paramedic into her walkie talkie.

"I feel dizzy." I say.

"Ok. I'm just going to look at your eyes." Says the paramedic.

She grabs her tiny torch and shines it in both eyes. My vision begins to blur and everything soon goes dark.

"She's awake!" A doctor shouts.

My eyes flutter open. I'm laying flat on my back with a neck brace on and a splint on my leg.

"Lily. Where's my daughter?" I shout.

"She's in the waiting room with a woman called Dion." Says the doctor.

"Ok. I want to call my husband." I say.

The doctor passes me my phone and I find Nathan's contact. Surprisingly, he answers and I start crying.

"Harper. What's wrong?" Asks Nathan.

"I'm in the hospital." I say

"Why. What happened?" Asks Nathan.

"I was in the garden with Lily and then I was walking down to the flower bed and I fell down the stone stairs. I have a head injury and a broken tibia and fibula." I say.

"Oh my God. I'm gonna come home as soon as I can. I'll talk to the captain now." Says Nathan.

"I love you Nathan." I say through huge amounts of tears.

"I love you to. It's going to be alright. Be strong for me. See you soon." Says Nathan.

"Bye babe." I say.

I end the call and whip my tears with my hands. The doctors give me some more medicine for my pain and then I'm taken for an x Ray just in case I have any neck injuries.

"Ok. We need you to stay completely still." Says the nurse.

Within five minutes, the xray is over with and I'm taken back to my room.

"I want to see Lily." I say.

"Ok. I'll go and find her for you." Says the nurse.

The nurse leaves and I'm left alone. I start crying and all I want to do is to hug Nathan. My handsome Nathan. I hate it how I haven't seen him for a long time. Lily comes in with Dion.

"Hey Lily!" I say.

Dion helps her lean down to give me a kiss and a hug.

"Mumma hurt?" Says Lily.

"Yes. Mummy is hurt, but she is going to get better." I say.

Me and Dion talk for a bit before the doctor comes in with my x Ray results.

"Ok. There is no sign of a neck or spinal injury. Your x Ray is clear." Says he doctor.

"Thank you."I say.

"You wont need surgery on your leg so we are going to cast you up and well clean the gash on your forehead." Says the doctor.

He sits me up and takes my neck brace off. I only move my head to the side so I can look at Lily.

"Mumma better?" Asks Lily.

"Nealry baby." I say.

I move my head back some I'm looking straight ahead. My phone starts to vibrate and I answer it.

"Nathan. Baby." I say.

"Harper. I'm so sorry. I can't come. We are 4 men down and I can't get time off." Says Nathan.

"Its ok. I only have a broken leg." I say.

"You know I love you, right?" Says Nathan.

"I know. I love you to." I say.

There's a few moments paused and then I hear a really loud bang.

"Nathan. What was that?" I ask as he begins to get ready for something.

"Harper. I have to go. I love you and I'll see you soon." Says Nathan.

I don't even get a chance to say it back before he call ends. The noise i heard soumded like an explosion so im scared. Really scared.

"Can you see where the doctor is. I want my leg to be plastered up so I can go home." I say.

Dion leaves and comes back with a doctor, who is holding a tray, some siccors and gauz.

"Hmm." Says the doctor.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask.

"A cast isn't enough. You'll need a boot. It'll probably be more comfortable anyway." Says the doctor.

"Ok." I say.

The doctor takes the stuff away and comes back with two crutches and a boot. She puts I on and I practice on my crutches. I sign the paper's so I'm discharged and Dion drives us home.

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