Back To Manchester

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Me and Nathan had the most amazing time in Hawaii. We have decided to go to Manchester for a week. I am planning to ask my grandad if he will gove me away. Let's just hope he says yes, otherwise I won't 've getting married.

"Where's nan?" I ask my grandad as I sit opposite him in his living room.

"Shes just gone to the corner ship. She'll be back in a bit." Says my grandad as be smiles at me and Natha.

"Is there a reason why you have come to see me or were you missing your crazy grandad." Asks my grandad.

"Actually yes. If my mum were still with us, I would have asked her since my dad isn't around. But neither of them are, so I'm asking you. Grandad, will you do the honour of giving me away?" I ask as I feel tears brimming in my eyes.

My grandad smiles and looks at me. I can tell he's happy, but I'm still eager to find out of he will accept.

"Harper. You are my granddaughter and I would love to give you away." Says my grandad.

I get up and hug him and then my nan walks through the door. When she comes in, she's see's me crying.

"What's wrong?" Asks my nan.

"Oh nothing. I just asked grandad if he would give me away and he said yes." I say as I smile.

"Thats great!" Says my nan as she walk into the kitchen.

We talk some more and then me and Nathan go into town. We walk around for a bit and then we are both drawn to a baby shop.

"Harper?" Asks Nathan as he looks at me.

"No. We're not ready, I want to wait." I say as I carry on walking. Nathan catches up to me.

"You want a baby, don't you?" Says Nathan as he cups my face.

"Yes. I'm not ready though. I want the moment to be right. God, I lost my mum less than a year ago. We got together less than a year together. We need to take things slow." I say as I put my hands on his.

"I can wait. I will wait as long as I need to. I don't want you to feel as though I'm forcing you to do this." Says Nathan.

"I don't feel like that. What I do feel though is safe" I say. I wrap my arms round Nathan and we carry on walking.

"We still haven't set a date for the wedding." Says Nathan.

"This is probably going to sound like I'm making the wedding all about me, but what about November 27th, it my mum's birthday." I say as i rest ny head on Nathan's shoulder.

"Harper. I think it's a beautiful idea." Says Nathan.

We go around town a little longer before going back to my house. My auntie Rachel is away on holiday so me and Nathan have the house to ourselves.

"Do you want to watch a movie or do you have something else in mind?" I ask as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"No thanks." I say as I sit at the breakfast bar.

Nathan walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waste. I turn my head so we share a few kisses. We break and then Nathan goes upstairs. I sit on the sofa and watch tv.

"Harper. Can you bring me a towel please?" Nathan calls from the bathroom up staires.

I get a towel from the airing cupboard and take it upstairs. I give it to Nathan, but before I get a chance to walk out the room, Nathan pulls me back.

"Hey!" I yell as I'm dragged into the shower.

"What?" Says Nathan as he chuckles.

"I'm all wet!" I say.

"Thats the point of a shower. And it works Bette if your naked." Says Nathan as he pulls my t-shirt off.

"No Nathan! I don't want any Harper or Nathan junior's running around to soon." I say as I climb out of the shower. I start to get annoyed with Nathan so I ignore his attempts to start a conversation and walk away. He follows me and then forces me to look at him.

"Harper." Says Nathan.

"What?" I say, not making eye contact.

"I am sorry if I'm sounding forceful." Nathan says. He looks sorry, but it's twice wishing the the hour that he's tried to lead me on.

"Just leave me alone Nathan!" I say.

I storm away from him and go downstairs. I put my shoes on and then my coat. I hear Nathan enter the room.

"Harper- Where are you going?" Asks Nathan. I look at him.

"Away from you and don't you dare even think about following me." I say as I grab my handbag and leave the house. I slam the door.

The first place I think to go of is my grandad house, but I don't want to burden him with my problems. I eventually get onto a bus that takes me into town. I go to Starbucks and sit in the corner with a coffee. Then a random guy comes and sits with me.

"Excuse me, but I have a boyfriend slash fiancé." I say without looking up.

"I know, and thas nor because you just told me. I know because I am your boyrfriwnd slash fiancé." Says the guy.

I look up and see a very sorry looking Nathan. He is smiling, but I'm glaring.

"Why did you follow me?" I say.

"Because I love you." Says Nathan.

"Just leave me alone Nathan." I say as I get up and leave Starbucks.

I get on a bus and see Natahan running alongside it. When we stop at the my stop, I get off and walk to the house.

"Harper. Stop." Yells Nathan.

"Are you deaf? I said leave me alone!" I yell back.

Nathan runs up to me and spins me around, just like he did when we were in London. He looks at me and I look at him. He leans in forward for a kiss, but I hug him. He hugs me back and then I start to cry.

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