Demo One Competed

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I'm at the studio, just finishing off the 10th song to my first album which will be a demo for the label in L.A.

"And...we...are...done!" Casey says as she presses the enter key on the computer.

"Seriously? Have an just completed my first demo album?" I ask excitedly.

"Yep. I am gonna burn it to a CD and get it sent off to the label as soon as I have a chance." Cacey says.

"Thank you so much Casey. I really appreciate all the help you have put in." I say.

"You're welcome. I have loved working with you and I hope to work with you in the future." Casey says.

"I'm gonna go home now, but call me of we need to change or adjust anything." I say.

"Will do." Casey says.

I leave the studio and go home. Nathan is with the kids in the garden. I sneak out and sort of jump on Nathan's back.

"Hey. How was the studio?" Nathan asks.

"Good. Finished my demo and Casey is sending it off to the label." I say.

"Great. Are you going out for Hanna's birthday?" Nathan asks.

"No. Rykard has taken her on a mini holiday to Tenerife. Rykard's brother is watching Louie." I say.

"Come on kids. You three can watch a film." Nathan says standing up.

We all go inside and then I put Finding Dory on for them. They at besotted in that, so I join Nathan in the kitchen.

"Nathan. Can I ask you a question?" I ask.

"Sure." Nathan says.

"Well it's not really a question, more of a proposition sort of question. I don't know what to call it." I say.

"Just let it out." Nathan says.

"Should we move house? I want the twins to have their owns rooms, but if the label accept me and we end up moving to L.A, is there any point in moving house if we are only going to move again?" I ask.

"Well, we don't know how long it will take for the label to receive the demo. Let's wait and see if we end up moving to L.A, then we will not move house in England." Nathan says.

"Ok." I say.

"Now I know you hate their guts, but you need to explain the situation to Rachel and Tom." Nathan  says.

"Why should I? They haven't cared to call!" I say.

"That doesn't mean hey don't want to talk." Nathan says.

"Fine. It's the summer holidays, so you or Dion will have to take Lily to gym and dance." I say.

"That's fine. I've already packed you a bag and your train leaves in 2 hours so I suggest you start to get yourself ready. I'll drop you to Kings Cross/St Pancras." Nathan says.

"What about the twins? They'll have no baby sitter!" I say.

"I'm taking a few days off work. You are staying in Manchester for 3 days. It's the shortest amount of time it would let me have when I booked the ticket." Nathan says.

"Ok. I'm going to call them. Tell them that I'm coming." I say.

I go upstairs and sit on my bed. I go into my contacts and look for Rachel's number. I press call and it starts ringing.

"Hello?" Rachel says.

"Rachel. It's Harper." I say.

"Oh my God. Harper.  Are you ok?" Rachel asks.

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