Life At A Standstill

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Me and my nan have been at the hospital for 3 hours now. I haven't told Nathan yet, and for some reason, I don't intend on doing so any time soon.

"How is he?" My nan asks as she walks back in the room.

"Doctor said there's no change." I say as I wipe my tears.

"I don't think you should ring the police. It should be Barry's decision." My nan says.

"Are you for real?" I say shocked.

"Yes." My nan replies.

"He nearly killed grandad! What do you expect me to do? Just sit here abd act like nothing gas happened?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. You're going through this alone. I just want you to have some closure." My nan says.

"I know. I'm sorry too, but that closure will be to see that Tom is sent down for attempted murder." I say.

"Ok." My nan says.

We sit on either side of the bed and gold my grandads hands. Then the doctor comes in.

"Barry's scans have come back, and he has a bleed on the brain. We are going to have to operate within the next few hours or he could die." The doctor says.

"Ok. I'm his next of kin, so where do you sign?" My nan asks.

"Right here." The doctor says.

The doctor leaves and I leave too. I stand outside the hospital and take my phone out.

"Hello?' How's it going?" Nathan asks.

I immediately burst into tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nathan asks.

"I need you. I really need you." I say as I begin the cry heavily.

"Why, what's happened?" Nathan asks.

"It's my grandad. He got punched by Tom. He has a bleed on the brain." I say.

"Ok. Harper. You need to calm down. I'm on my way. I'll be a while, but I love you. Promise me you will be strong?" Nathan asks.

"I promise. I love you too." I say.

I end the call and then take a walk to asda. When I arrive, I recognize some people from high school.

"Harper." A voice says.

I look up and notice a girl standing with a man. I walk over.

"Hey." I say.

"You don't remeber me do you?" The girl says.

I shake my head.

"That's ok. Elisa. We were in the same Maths and English and the same form." Elisa says.

"God, I remeber now. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. This is Jason. My fiancé." Elisa says.

"Hi Jason, I'm Harper." I say.

"Hi." He says.

"Is there a man in your life Harper?" Elisa asks.

"Yeah. I've beeb married about 4 years to Nathan Montgomery. We have 3 children together. Lily, who is 4 and Sophie and Charlie who are both nearly 2." I say.

"Congratulations. I want to say well done when you went on X Factor. Ellen too. It must have been hard for you when Nathan was M.I.A." Elisa says.

"It was. Nathan is bringing the kids up from London, it's where we live." I say.

"Is something wrong?" Elisa asks.

"My grandad is in the hospital and I just need my husband." I say.

"Ok. We need to go, but inbox me on face book?" Elisa asks.

"Sure." I say.

They walk away and then I so on a bench. I notice a group of teenager smoking. I haven't smoke since I was 13 and it was on my one time at a boy's house. Will it make all my broblems go away? There's only one way to find out. I walk into the shop and purchase my items. I walk back to the hospital with a lit cigarette in my mouth. It tastes disgusting, I don't know why I ever tried it, but it is taking the pain away.

"Harper. What are you doing?" My nan asks.

I quickly throw the cigarette in the floor and step on it.

"Nothing. Is grandad ok?" I ask.

"No change. They are taking him for surgery in 45 minutes. Is Nathan on  his way?" My nan asks.

"Yeah. He's got the kids with him." I say.

My nan goes back outside and then I look at random people. An ambulance pulls up and when they bring they patient out, they have severe burns all over them. I then see a man with his wife who is in a wheelchair and she's in labour. Then I see Tom and Rachel. I go to get another cigarette, but then my name is called. I shove the shame back into my bag and then go over.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask.

"I want to apologise." Tom says.

"What, and saying sorry is going to make the fact that you punched my grandad and he now has a bleed on the brain ok?" I ask.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." Tom says.

I get frustrated with people saying they are sorry when they don't ever mean it. I drop my band and swing my fist into Tom's face with the most amount of force I can find.

"Hey!" Rachel says.

"Don't even start." I say.

Tom looks at me and I start shoving him.

"Sorry? You think sorry is going to take back what you did? Do you think sorry is going to make me forget all this? Huh? Sorry, is the word I hate most. So thanks. Thanks for making me call the police on you." I say.

I grab my bag and pull out my phone. I diall 999 and it rings.

"999, what's your emergency?" Asks the woman.

"Police please." I say.

I evily smile at Tom before he snatches my phone away from me and throws it on the ground.

"Hey! How am I supposed to contact my husband? I have kids, what if something happens to them! You idiot! You always ruin everything!" I scream.

I start crying and start to hit Tom again. He doesn't fight back, but Rachel pulls me away. I'm so tired. I'm so tired of fighting. Why does it have to be like this?

I pick up my bag and phone and Rachel takes me inside. Tom doesn't follow.

"I'm sorry." I say in a raspy voice.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Rachel says.

"Yes I do. Since I found out you are my mum, I have been a bitch. I know you were only protecting me, I just wanted you to feel punishment. I hate this. I hat fighting. You're my mum, and now I know the full truth, I want to be a part I your life. Tom is by my dad. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. Can you forgive me?" I ask.

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