Don't Go

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Me and Lily were able to go home a few days after she was born. I recoverd from the surgery quite quickly. We've been happy the last few days, until now. Nathan leaves today. It's a Monday so I won't get to see him for nearly a full week.

"Harper. I have to go now or I could loose my place if I'm late." Says Nathan.

"Ok. Hold on." I say.

I get Lily from her Moses basket and take her downstairs. I start crying when I see Nathan standing at the door with two duffel bags.

"Please don't go." I say as I half cuddle Nathan.

"Harper. I'll be back before you know it and soon enough, I'll be done." Says Nathan.

"Promise you will call me when you can." I say.

"I promise." Says Nathan

He takes Lily from me and kisses her goodbye. Rachel take Lily from Nathan's arms and let's us have a few moments alone.

"I'll miss you so much." I say.

"I'll miss you to. I hate that I won't be there to watch you and Lily thrive." Says Nathan.

"I love you." I whisper as I hug Nathan tightly.

"I love you to." Says Nathan.

We break apart and share a passionate kiss. I hug him one last time. He says one last goodbye to Lily and then to Rachel. I watch one of his friends who is also doing the training course pick him up. He drives away and I go back inside the house. I take Lily from Rachel and go upstairs.

"Harper. Can I come in?" Asks Rachel.

"Yeah." I say.

Rachel comes in and sits with me on the bed.

"Harper. I know it's hard. I can feel your pain." Says Rachel.

"How do you know how im feeling? Oh, that right, you don't." I say.

"I do. I really do." Says Rachel.

"How then?" I say.

"Well, do you remember your uncle Tom?" Asks Rachel.

"Yeah, why?" I say.

"Well, he had a job that kept him away from his family. He would leave practically every weekend. One weekend, he left and never came back. To this day, I have never heard from him. Now I'm not saying that the same thing will happen to you. Nathan will come home every chance he can. The reason why I told you was because I DO know how you feel." Says Rachel.

"Wait, if you haven't seen your husband in God knows how many years, then why haven't you changed your name back to Davidson?" I ask.

"Because your uncle was the only man I ever loved." Says Rachel.

"I'm sorry. For speaking to you the way I did." I say.

"It's ok. Like I said. I know how you feel." Says Rachel.

Rachel leaves the room and then I go back downstairs. I give Lily to Rachel whilst I prepare dinner for later.

"Rachel. I'm just going to take Lily over to Dion's. I'll only be about 10 minutes. Can you keep an eye in the sauce?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sure." Says Rachel.

I put Lily's cardigan on and then take her across the road. I knock on the door and then wait. I can here children playing which beings a smile to my face.

"Harper. Welcome. Come in." Says Dion.

I go inside and we sit in the kitchen. Dion asks if she can have a cuddle with Lily and I agree.

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