New Home, New Place, New Start

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We've been in L.A for 2 weeks now. I'm loving it here and so are Nathan and the kids. Lily is going to do about a year of Kindergarten and then when she's 6, she'll go to elemntary school. The twins are starting kindergarten in a few years. Nathan hs been given a job at LAPD. I am going to the studio almost everyday to talk with my producer. He wants me to go on my own tour, but I told him baby steps.

"Nathan, I'm going over to ALDC to see if I can enroll Lily in dance." I say.

Both Lily and I put our shoes on and get in the car. We are taking her dance stuff just in case.

"Where are we going mummy?" Lily asks.

"Do you remeber when you danced with Maddie, McKenzie, Nia, Kendall and JoJo?" I ask.

"Yeah." Lily says.

"We are going there. You might not see the girls, but hopefully we can see Abby." I say.

I find a place to park and then I take Lily inside. No one is at the desk, but then I hear a door click and see someone I never thought I would.

"You're Chloe and your mum is Christi?" I ask.

"We're them." They both say.

"I thought you left a few years ago?" I ask.

"Yeah, but Abby asked us back." Christi says.

"Did you say yes?" I ask.

"I love dancing with the girls, but my time as a dancer has moved on." Chloe says.

"Oh ok. Speaking of which, can I ask, where is Abby?" I ask.

"Shes in the studio. Are you here on vacation?" Christi asks.

"No. Me, my husband and our three children moved to L.A two weeks ago." I say.

"Oh, well it was nice speaking to you." Christi and Chloe say.

Just as Christi and Chloe leave, Gianna comes out.

"Hi Gianna." I say.

"Hi Harper. Hi Lily." Gianna says.

"Hi." Lily says.

Gianna takes us through and the girls are excited to see us.

"So you finally moved here?" Abby asks.

"Yep. It was a long journey and it was extremely hard having to leave all my family behind, but I'm here now and I know my grandad is looking down on us all." I say.

The girls clock what I meant.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Like you said, he's looking down on you." Maddie says.

"Girls, keep rehearsing." Abby says.

We go into a smaller studio with no one inside.

"So, you want Lily to dance here?" Abby asks.

"Yes. It's my dream for her, but she wants it too." I say.

"Would it be ok if I saw something?" Abby asks.

"Sure." I say.

I go over to Lily.

"Lil, would it be ok if you showed Miss Abby one of your dances from London?" I ask.

She nods excitedly. Lily dances and then Abby tells her to go in with the other girls.

"I think she has potential." Abby says.

"Thanks. So, do you think she'll be able to join the class for her age and in a few years move up to the competition team?" I ask.

"Yes. I will write up the papers and they should be in the mail before the end of next week. All the details will be on there, like costs and rules." Abby says.

"Thank you so much Abby. Should I keep her in gymnastics for a while?" I ask.

"That would be a good idea." Abby says.

I say goodbye to her and everyone else and then go home. Home. It's weird saying that I'm going home in America. It's really weird.

"Nathan, I'm home!" I shout.

Lily goes to play in the garden with the twins.

"Nathan?" I shout as I go upstairs.

I get no respsonse.

I go into the bedroom and hear the shower in our en suite running.

"Nathan?" I say.

I go inside and see Nathan preparing for a shower.

"Hey. How did it go?" Nathan asks.

"She got in!" I say.

Nathan hugs me. Then I call the kids in. I out a film on downstairs and then I get in the shower with Nathan.

"Nathan." I say.

"Harper." Nathan says.

"Say if I got my own tour, Lily would have to stay for school and dance, would you take her for dance?" I ask.

"Well, next door have a daughter and she dances at ALDC. She's not in the same class, just musical theatre and jazz, but I was talking to her and she offered to take Lily to classes and bring her home if we were busy." Nathan says.

"Ok." I say.

There's a bit of silence.

"Look, if I'm going to shower with you, make yourself useful." I say.

I hand him my shampoo bottle and he washes my hair. I wash his and then we wash our bodies. After getting out, we dry off. Nathan puts tracksuit bottoms on and a white t-shirt that shows off his abs, where as I am wearing leggings and a yellow top.

"Mummy, what time is it?" Lily asks.

"Almost 6, why?" I ask.

"I want to go to the park with Charlie and Sophie." I say.

"Lily, it's a bit late to go the park. Maybe tomorrow. You start dance in about two weeks and I'm gonna look for a gym so you can carry on with gymnastics for a while." I say.

"Promise we can go tomorrow?" Lily asks.

"Daddy has to go to work, so when I'm done with finding a gym for you, we will go to the park." I say.

"Promise?" Lily asks.

"I promise." I say.

I kiss Lily's head and and then go into the kitchen. I start cutting up some veg to make a vegetable stirfry.

"Smells good. Need a hand?" Nathan asks as he wraps his arms around my waist and sets his head on my shoulder.

"I'm good." I say.

"Awww, I want to help." Nathan says.

"Nathan. I am a woman in her kitchen, the man does not want to mess with that combination." I say.

He steps away and theb opens the draw. No, no, no, no!

"What's this?" Nathan asks.

"It's a dead bird, what does  it look like?" I say sarcastically.

"Now is not the time to be sarcastic. Are you pregnant?" Nathan asks.

"No. I just brought them for when the time come, actually if the time comes." I say.

"So why did you have an expression on your face as if you had just seen a ghost?" Nathan asks.

"I don't know. I just wanted it to be a surprise for if I am ever to get pregnant again." I say.

We are so caught up in our conversation that we didn't even realise that the whole kitchen has filled with smoke and the pan is sparking.

"Crap!" I say.

I open the front door, back door, and the kitchen windows. Then I chuck he pan in the empty sink. After 5 minutes, the smoke clears. I check to see if the kids are ok, and they at happily playing.

"Are you ok?" Nathan asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault." Nathan says.

"It was both our fault." I say.

I hug Nathan and then we sort the kitchen.

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