Birthday Bash

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It's about 9:00 pm. Me, Hanna and Hailey are at mine getting ready to go out for my birthday. We don't want to go far, so we are going to the memorable colour box.

"Nathan! We're going!" I say as I stand at the door and slip on my heels.

"Ok. Have a good time. Be careful!" Says Nathan.

He gives me a kiss and then we get into our taxi to take us there. When we arrive, there is a long cue. Thank God, we pre booked and we are on the V.I.P lost.

"Names?" Asks the security guard.

"Harper Montgomery, Hanna Jones and Hailey Clacket." Says Hanna.

"In you go." Says the man.

He pulls away the rope and we walk in. We go straight to the bar and order some drinks.

"Here's to us." Says Hanna.

We drink on our toast and then go to the dance floor. We start dancing and then get some more drinks.

"Here's your drink madam." Says the bartender.

"I didn't order a drink." I say.

"I know. He did." Says the bartender who is punting to another man. I go over.

"Thanks for the gesture. I'm pregnant though, so I won't be drinking any alcohol tonight." I say.

"Your welcome!" The man shouts over the music.

"You wanna dance?" I ask.

"Sure!" Says the man.

We go into the dance floor and start dancing. Hailey is dancing with a guy and Hanna is sitting in a booth.

"I'll be right back." I say.

I go iver to Hanna. I sit with her.

"You ok?" I ask.

"Come toilet." Says Hanna.

I follow her. We stand by the sinks and then she folds her arms.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Asks Hanna.

"What?" I say.

"You belly." Says Hanna.

"Oh. Me and Nathan. We are sort of expecting twins." I say.

"So I'm going to be an auntie again?" Asks Hanna.

"I guess so." I say.

"When did you find out" asks Hanna.

"I found out I was pregnant 2 days after being on Ellen. I found out they were twons at the start of the month." I say.

"Ok. How far along are you?" Asks Hanna.

"A month." I say.

There's a silence.

"Have you and Rykard thought about a date for the wedding?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think we are going with October 22nd." Says Hanna.

"October this year?" I ask.

"Yeah. We've been planning for like 8 months already so there's about 3 months to go." Says Hanna.

"Ok. Let's go find Hailey." I say.

We leave the toilet and then go back. I try to find that guy again, but he's gone. Oh well. Me and Hanna find Hailey still dancing with the guy from before. Me and Hanna start to dance with each other. Anither hour passes and we soon find ourselves back on the booth.

"What time is it?" I ask as I get up from leaning on Hanna.

"It's about half 10." Says Hanna.

"Only." I say.

"It's boring here. Where should we go?" Asks Hanna.

"I feel like taking a walk." I say.

"You sure about that?" Asks Hanna.

"Actually. Don't wanna walk." I say.

"Shall we get some stuff from the shop and go back to Hailey's?" Asks Hanna.

"Yeah. Can't go back to ours cause of Lily and Louie." I say.

"Hailey. Come on. We're going." Says Hanna.

Hailey get's up and the guy follows.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I was dancing with Hailey. She asked me to come back with you." Says the guy.

"Ok. What's your name?" I ask.

"Harry." Says the guy.

We walk to the shop and buy some sweets, chocolate and loads of other stuff.

"Here's some money. I'm gonna wait outside." I say.

I give a 5 pound note and 3 pound coins. I stand outside the shop, earning against a wall.

"Oi, oi!" Shouts boy who is on bike with one of his friends.

"Shut up you pathetic loser." I say.

They laugh and ride of. Harry, Hanna nd Hailey all join me outside. We get a taxi to take us to Haiey's. We get there and then go inside. As soon as we get inside, I run to her bathroom to throw up.

"You ok?" Asks Hailey.

"Yeah. We watching a movie?" I ask.

We go into the living room and then sit on the sofa.

"Can we watch Chucky?" Asks Hanna.

"Which one?" Asks Harry.

"The newest one. The bride of chucky I think." Says Hailey.

I lean on Hanna as I fall asleep. I keep waking up every so often, but quickly drift back to sleep. When I properly wake up, Nathan is at the door.

"Home time for you misses." Says Nathan who picks me up.

"Ok. Thanks guys. I had a really nice time last night." I say.

Nathan carries me to the car. He puts me in the car and I put my seatbelt on.

"You ok?" Asks Nathan.

"Yeah. Where's Lily?" I ask.

"At nursery." Says Nathan.

"Can I go and pick her up later?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure." Says Nathan.

We get home and I go straight upstairs to have a shower. Once I'm done, I get out and lay on the bed.

"Get up, you're going to get the covers wet." Says Nathan.

I hold my arms out. He helps me sit up. I put on some leggings and a top. I out my flip flops on and then go downstairs with my hair wrapped in a towel. I sit in the sofa and go on the laptop.

"What you looking at?" Asks Nathan.

"Just looking for a new place. I know the twins are due in like 8 months and they can share for the first few months after they are born, but I'm starting to look." I say.

"Ok. Don't get worked up if you don't find the perfect house." Says Nathan.

I search for about 30 minutes before closing the laptop and going to the kitchen. I get some ingredients out and start to prepare chilli con.

"What you cooking?" Asks Nathan.

"Chilli con carne." I say.

"You want any help?" Ska Nathan.

"Yeah. Can you get the kidney beans, sweetcorn and mushrooms please." I ask.

Nathan get what I ask for. I then ask him to chop up the veg that needs to be chopped. After about 40 minutes, everything is in the slow cooker and is cooking. Me and Nathan sit on the sofa for a bit before I have to get Lily.

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