This Is It

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I'm still in hospital, having the baby. I'm about 8 centimetres dilated. At the moment, I'm sucking on the gas and air tube and Nathan is rubbing circles on my back.

"Almost there." Says Nathan.

"Wheres Rachel? I need he here!" I say.

"She just texted me. She just got off the train at kings cross, st Pancras so she shouldn't be long." Says Nathan.

"I am never having a baby after Lily. I say.

"Ok. Well see about that in the future." Says Nathan.

"Get the midwife. I need to push." I say.

Nathan presses a button and my midwife comes in. She examine me and tells me I'm now 9 centimetres.

"I need to push." I say.

"We don't want the baby to be born too quickly. Just pant and breathe." I say.


"Harper, if you push now, it will increase the risk of complications." Says the midwife.

"I can't do it. I'm too tired." I say.

"Harper. In the next hour, you should be ready to have the baby. When yoy get to 10 centimetres, we will take you to the delivery ward and you will have your baby." Says the midwife.

"Look. I need something to numb the pain. Give Mr an epidural." I say.

"Its too late for an epidural." Says the midwife.

"Nathan. I can't do it." I say.

"Listen to me. You can do, you will do it, because we believe in you. We both do." He says with one hand resting on my bump.

"Give me my phone please." I say.

Nathan give me my phone. I unlock it and dial Rachel's number.

"Hello?" Says Rachel.

"How long will you be?" I ask.

"About 25 minutes, why?" Asks Rachel.

"I'm 9 centimetres and I'm scared I'm go in to have the baby without you there." I say.

"Harper. I promise I will be there. I am not missing the birth of my great niece." Says Rachel.

"Ok. I love you." I say.

"I love you to sweetheart." Says Rachel.

I end the call and continue to suck on gas and air. I get Fed up and eventually get back onto the bed.

"Nathan. I can't do it. I can't have this baby." I say.

"Harper. Listen to me. It will be painful. So painful. But what comes out I it at the end? Our child. Part of you and part of me in one human being." Says Nathan.

"This pain is inhuman." I say.

"I know it hurts. You just need to breathe." Says Nathan.

The midwife comes back in and starts to explain things.

"So what is going to happen next is since you are 9 and a half centimetres, we are going to move you down to he Labour ward. I'm surprised as to how quickly tour Labour has progressed." Says the midwife.

"No. Not until my aunty gets here. I refuse to have his baby without her. She is the closest thing to my mum that I have and she s not missing his birth." I say.

"Harper. If you are at the stage of pushing and baby is ready to come out, if you don't push, it could send the baby into distress." Says the midwife.

"I can't have this baby without her. I promise her and she promised me that she'd be here." I say.

"Harper. We can wait a little longer, but once you hit ten centimetres, we have to take you down." Says the midwife.

"Ok." I say.

The midwife leaves and I start to cry.

"I know I wanted you to come out because it hurts, but I need you to hold on for just a bit. Just until aunty Rachel comes." I say to my baby bump.

"Rachel will be here!" Says Nathan

"Cant be so sure!" I say.

Another contraction comes and I scream in pain. His one lasts for about two minutes but is still so bloody painful.

"Harper. Look at me. You can do this." Says Nathan.

"Baby. Please wait. Aunty Rachel is on her way." I plead.

"I'll call her again." Says Nathan.

"Ok." I say.

"Hello. Rachel, you need to get her like yesterday! Harper is about to hit ten centimetres and she refuses to have the baby until you arrive." Says Nathan.

"There's no traffic so I should be there in ten." Says Rachel.

"Ok. See you then." Days Nathan.

The call is disconnected and Nathan turns to me.

"Well?" I say.

"She's said there is no traffic and shell be here in 10." Says Nathan.

"Ok. Just ten more minutes baby. Just 10 more." I say to Lily.

I keep groaning and moaning in pain. The midwife asks to speak to Nathan outside. Clearly I'm not part of the conversation which starts to get me panicked. They come back in and the midwife says something to me.

"We need to take you down to the Labour wars now to get you prepped for birth." Says the mid wife.

"But my aunty. She won't know what room I'm in." I say.

"We have notified all reception staff, so they can tell her." Says the midwife.

"Nathan. She isn't here." I say.

"Harper. If you don't have the baby now, she could go into distress." Says Nathan.

"Ok." I say.

I give in. I want to do what's best for the baby, but I want my aunt Rachel to be there.

"Lets go have a baby." I say.

"Lets." Says Nathan.

We table a short distance and arrive in another room. I prop my legs up and get ready. Just as I begin to push, Rachel bursts in.

"I'm so sorry." Says Rachel.

"Its ok. Your here now." I say.

She goes on the left, Nathan goes on the right. I take heir hand and begins to push. Of this hurts. So much.

"Ok. I need you to pant." Says the midwife.

I start panting and then become dizzy.

"I feel dizzy." I say.

"It's ok. Keep pushing. NOW!" Says the midwife.

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