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Shavarn in mm
Terri's pov
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I can't believe he got shot. It's hard to believe that only three hours ago we were laughing, joking and playing at his house. He's in critical condition, he can't even breathe on his own. The doctor said if he survives he will be severely disabled,he will need around the clock help, I will be his nurse. I don't care what it takes, he can't leave me. "Terri, I know how you feel, he was close to us all." Romaro comforted me. "Yeah he was like family to us all." Santana said. "You don't understand. To you he was like family, to me he is family!" I yelled. "What do you mean?" Dee asked. "Shavarn is my half brother, same dad,different mum. He's always been in my life, I can't imagine a life without him, I won't imagine a life without him. He is the reason I'm still here, do you know how many missions I was almost shot on? He saved me, he's my guardian Angel, how is he going to guard me if he's dead?" I grabbed Dee and started crying, I felt myself slipping, that is how I feel right now,like I'm falling,not quite here. Dee held on to me tightly. She kissed my forehead. "I got you baby, you're my rider,I'll guide you when you go astray, I'll protect you when you don't feel safe. Shavarn will always be with you, in here." She pointed to her heart.

Beep beep beep beep! All the doctors and nurses ran in to Shavarn's room, I ran in too,all of us did. "Varn! Varn! Don't go! No you can't go! You told me you would stick around! You lied to me! No don't go! "I grabbed his arm. "I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave the room." The nurse told me. "Bitch shut up! I'm not leaving!" I grabbed the side of the bed. All the boys were pulling me out but I wouldn't let go of the bed. "Wait! Let me say bye." I let go of the rail and ran to Shavarn. "Bye bye big brother, I love you and always will. Goodbye." I ran my fingers through his curls, I kissed his forehead and walked out. "Come here, baby girl come with me, I'll take you home. I'll stay the night, you shouldn't be by yourself." Tyrese said,holding my hand. I nodded and smiled at him as we walked out.

1 week later

We just buried Shavarn, everyone is dressed in blue because that was his favourite colour. I stepped up to the podium. "I remember when we were little, we used to play in the bleachers, playing baseball. He always used to throw the ball really high so I wouldn't hit it, he used to say "dang midget! When you gonna start growing?" That one line would send me in to a fit of laughter. When we were slightly older,he was about ten and I was nine, we used to play black Jack. If he had a bad card or if he wanted to win he used to point to the clouds or the wall and say "look behind you!" I fell for it every time and he won the game. Well up until recent we were inseparable,wherever one went the other went,the other one followed. We were trouble makers but it didn't matter how much trouble we made, we were in it together. He's been gone a week now and I still miss him, every day I expect him to walk through my front door with that stupid grin of his. Well, I guess I'm going to have to wait a bit more before I see it again. Shavarn's last words to me was "Don't let them dim your light,someone like you, someone like the Sun should always stay bright. " I hopped off the podium and walked over to Tyrese, he kissed my head. "It's gonnna be okay ma, I promise, it's all going to be okay." I hope he isn't lying.

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