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One month later

Grief had crashed upon the group like tidal wave. "Dee,it's okay to cry." Byron kissed Dee's forehead. "What's the point? Grieving isn't going to bring her here to us!" Dee shouted back. "Besides, we don't even know if she's dead yet, she could still be alive." Dee mumbled, blinking ferociously, not wanting to let tears fall.

"Dee,it's been a month." Mahayma wiped away a tear, Tyrell looked at her as if she'd grown a second head. "And?" He yelled.

"That boy, he took us to a dead end, he was our only hope of finding her, I don't know if Ihave the strength to carry on." Mahayma sighed.

Dee slapped Mahayama,sending her flying across the room. "Don't you ever lose hope. I was gone for two months, everybody thought I was going to die but I proved them wrong. They all lost hope but I didn't. I'm not going to give up on Deme so don't you ever give up. Do you hear me? Don't you ever give up!" Dee slid down the wall, crying. "Don't you ever." She repeated.

Mahayma and Sanaa exchanged worried glances. "Dee,I've never known you to give up and that's a good thing. We will get her back, that's a promise." Byron held Dee as she hid her face in the crook of her neck.

"The Dee I know is fierce, she never stops fighting. The Dee I know would walk in to a room,knowing the odds are stacked against her and still come out on top." Mahayma smiled.

Dee ran to Tyrell and hugged him. "We don't give up on family." Tyrell smiled, his tears apparent in his eyes.

Just as Shamaar opened his mouth to speak the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Dee jumped up. Dee opened the oak door to see a familiar face at the door.

"I need to talk to you all." The person said, Mahayama walked in to the hallway. "What's taking so lo- Kevin? What are you doing here?"

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