Is that how it is?

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The next day

Dee and Romaro woke up to screaming coming from downstairs. They both ran towards the noice,they found Montana in the living room shouting at Santana, nobody made any attempt to shut her up. "What's wrong Montana?" Dee questioned. "Shut up, don't talk to me you hoe!" Montana screamed. "Excuse me? I must be hearing things because I know you didn't just call me a hoe." Dee took a step forward. "Yeah I did, you come here fronting like you're a bad girl when really and truly you're just a little bitch." Montana smirked. Dee jumped on Montana, knocking her in to the tv screen. Montana brushed the blood away from her lip and slapped Dee, making her stagger backwards. Dee looked mad.

"Hell no hoe, you got me fxcked up!" Dee sat on Montana, punching her repeatedly in the face,Montana was covered in blood and had multiple bruises. "You should stop now." Mario said. Dee didn't listen, she kept punching Montana until she heard a gun,she then stopped punching and looked up. Mario had a gun directed at her head. "Stop punching her and I won't pull the trigger." Mario bargained. Dee punched Montana again, looking up into Mario's face as if she was daring him. Mario placed his finger on the trigger but before he could pull it Romaro punched him with such force, that he was left unconscious.

Romaro and Tyrese then picked up Mario and Montana, dumping them off at an abandoned Tire yard.

"I'm sorry Dee, I didn't think she would ever act like that, I'm ashamed to even call her my sister. Ever since the club she's been acting strange, she's been talking to someone, she met up with them after we cleaned up the scene. I didn't see a lot of them, just their outfit." Santana said. "What were they wearing?" Tyrese asked. "Black and white."

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