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One month later

"Samara, come and put on your dress!" Dee stood outside Samara's room with a white maxi dress and a brown belt. "I don't want to!" Samara screamed from inside the room. "Samara,come and put the dress on, now!" Dee shouted. "Don't you want to see daddy?" Dee asked as she walked in to the bedroom.

"Mummy, can I ask you a question?" Samara said as Dee put the dress over her head. "Go ahead." Dee replied as she sat Samara down to do her hair. "Is daddy a bad man?" Samara asked.

"Now, why would you think daddy's a bad man?" Dee frowned. "Because my teacher and Zahra's mummy said so." Samara said. "Stand up." Dee ordered, Samara stood up and looked at Dee. "Do you think daddy is a bad man?" Dee asked, Samara shook her head.

"Good, daddy is a good man, he did what he did because a very bad man wanted to hurt me and take me away. So you can tell that stupid teacher and that Zahra's nosey mother to mind their own business or get their facts right." Dee looked towards the door and saw Deme standing in the hallway.

Dee stood up, brushed past her and walked in to her room, she sat on the bed and began to cry. "Dee, he's not going to prison, he's going to be right by your side very soon." Tyrell rubbed her back. "But what if-" "No ifs no buts, he isn't going to prison." Tyrell said firmly.


Byron laced up his black leather brouges and brushed off of his blue suit. He looked up and saw Detective Collins leaning against the door frame. "Are you finished?" Collins smiled, Byron met his smile with a scowl.

"Byron why did you admit to it? I wasn't expecting you to, I thought it was only going to be Shamaar. If I knew you was going to I wouldn't have told Mahayma to kill Shamaar, then it all could've been pinned on him, matter of fact, it still can." Collins stood upright.

"You told Mahayma to kill Shamaar?" Byron frowned. "Yep, she jumped at the chance too,that girl has a few screws lose. She pleaded insanity and instead of prison she's at an asylum,they feed her, bathe her, let her do what she wants. What more could she need?" Collins shrugged.

"All of this was planned out wasn't it?" Byron stood up. "You're sick and twisted." Byron screwed up his face in disgust. "You see, this is what the death of a close person does to you." Collins pointed to his head.

"It gets in to your brain, makes you do things you don't want to." Collins smiled. "I'm good friends with the jury members, I could make you get off Scott free."

"Who's side are you on?" Byron asked. "Me, I don't have a side, I'm my own side. I do as I please, when I please." Collins winked. "Good luck." Collins chuckled as he walked off.

"Byron Tucker, the judge would like to see you now." A security guard led Byron to his stand where a layer stood in front of him. "Mr Tucker,I'm your defendant, Mrs Trey. You see that guy there?" Mrs Trey pointed a manicured finger at a tall white man. "He wants you to do time and boy, he's good. But I'm better." She smiled.

"All rise. The Court of Jack is now in session, the honourable judge Martin presiding. Everyone remains standing until the judge enters and is seated." The bailiff said. Byron caught Samara's eye she waved and smiled at Byron who smiled back.

"Your honour, today's case is about the murders of Brandon Shey, Sarayah Meyers and Reece King." The bailiff handed the judge a sheet of paper.

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