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"Suprise!" The person laughed. Dee's face went from happy to grim,the colour drained from her cheeks, the anger obvious in her face.

"Oh, you didn't miss me?" The person pouted. "What about her?" Dee charged at the person, only to get a gun pointed at her head. "Come on now best friend, don't make me shoot. Well, I will kill you, just not now." Terri laughed, Dee screwed up her face in order not to cry, how could her best friend work with the person who deceived her?

"Don't I get a hi?" The person looked at Dee. "Go to hell Brooke." Dee spat. "Dee, you're the reason it had to end this way. Casper and I were going to live a happy life once he'd killed you and then, all of a sudden, Casper is on the news. Dead. We had a plan Dee, we were going to get married, have children-" Santana cut her off. "I thought Romaro killed you? I mean,not trying to be blunt or anything but nobody wanted your ugly ass,not even your brother wanted you alive."

" Romaro was collateral damage." Brooke shrugged. "It was a shame, he really loved you Dee but you killed him." Brooke smiled. "No he didn't, he didn't love me at all." Dee shook with anger.

"Yes he did, do you know how long it took me to make him think this was all for the best, do you know how long it took me to convince him to shoot Brooke, he was saying all these things like, I'd never kill Brooke, blood comes first. I told him how you and Brooke were conspiring to kill him, stupid child believed me." Terri wiped away her tears of joy.

"Even when you was kidnapped, he still wouldn't move on, I had to drug him and take him to the strip club, he took a girl home and you, Dee, your timing was perfect! You came home, looking for Romaro ten minutes after he got home. You have no idea how hard I wanted to laugh at you, call you a dumb ass but I kept it all in. I swear I need an Oscar for my acting." Terri bowed.

Dee wiped the tears from her eyes, she didn't want to believe them but their plan was so thought out. "How are you still alive?" Tyrese glared at Brooke. "Well, Romaro couldn't kill me, I'm his little sister. He held his gun to my head, I'm not even going to lie,the look on his face was terrifying. Romaro brang out a gun, similar to his other gun, when he pulled the trigger a loud bang could be heard from miles away. It was a stun gun, it hurt but I couldn't help laughing, if he killed me,he probably wouldn't be dead now. Dee thank you, if you didn't kill him I would've." Brooke took a seat. "Anymore questions before I kill you all?"

"Why would you have killed Romaro, he's your brother?" Brandon didn't understand, how heartless was she? "Think of it like this;Romaro was a pawn in my game of chess, you use the pawn because all you want is to get to the other side before your opponent does but sometimes, there's a checkmate, one of your pawns are gone but it doesn't matter, you still have more to move, more to get rid of. At the end of it all, you manipulate the peices,you just want to win, when you've won you don't really think about all the peices you've lost along the way. Romaro's death didn't mean a lot, at the end of it all, I've won." Brooke flipped her hair and smirked.

"Oh,one more thing I want to say, Reece you've been an awfully bad boy haven't you? Does Dee know what you've been up to, poor,poor Dee?" Broke pouted and frowned. "Reece, what's she talking about?" Reece looked down, avoiding Dee's eyes. "Your little boyfriend's been sleeping around. Congratulations Santana." Brooke's eyes light up. Brandon frowned. "I'm a dad?" Brandon asked. Terri rolled her eyes. "No you dipshit,it's Reece's baby."

Brandon looked towards Reece then towards Santana, neither of them said anything.

Dee stood up, walking swiftly towards Brooke. "What are you doing?" Brooke asked. "You wanted to kill me. Do it. Right. Now. I honestly need release from this all. I'm fed up of people I love not caring about my heart. Brooke take away my pain." Dee cried, lifting Brooke's arm to her head. "My trigger finger's been itching all day." Brooke laughed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

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