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Sorry in advance, this is a filler chapter so it's not going to be long.

"What did he say?" Mahayama asked as Kevin walked away.  "He said that we should be careful, that somebody's after us. He said he will drop something off for us, something special for us all." Dee rolled her eyes.

"What? How did he know where we was?" Mahayama stood with her arms crossed. "I don't know, I just think he was talking crap." Dee replied

The next day

Everybody gathered together on Tyrell's living room floor.

"Tyrell!" Sanaa playfully pushed him as he took her peppered shrimp. Tyrrell smiled and shrugged, "You weren't eating it." Samara giggled and grabbed Mahayma's hand. "I need to go toilet!" She yelled,jumping up and down. "Come on." Mahayma sighed as she walked Samara to the toilet.

The doorbell rang, echoing in the halls. "Tyrell, the doorbell rang." Sanaa pointed towards the door. "No shit, Sherlock." Dee rolled her eyes and laughed. "I'll be right back, let me just get rid of whoever's at the door."Tyrell jumped up.

Tyrell came in to the room,with an indignant look etched across his face . "What's wrong?" Byron jumped up, running to his friend's aid.

"I know where Deme is." Tyrell's tone was harder than steel. "Let's go." Dee jumped up. "No, you're staying here." Byron firmly told Dee. "I agree, where we're going is no place for a woman." Shamaar began to lower his blue and white New York hat on his head when Dee shot a bullet through it.

"My aim is better than all of yours put together, now I wasn't asking I was telling you, let's go." Dee placed her glock 19 back into the gun holster on the inside of her Supply and Demand jogging bottoms and walked out of the house.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Dee examined their surroundings through Dee's bulletproof window. "Dee,you let me drive, I'm following the route your little "friend" gave me so don't question me." Byron kept his face forward. "Byron don't give me that tone." Dee replied with just as much aggression as Byron.

"I asked you a simple question, there was no need-" "There was no need for your question." Byron still had his eyes on the wheel. "There's no need for you to act like a son of a bitch." Dee spat. Byron opened his mouth to speak when Tyrell spoke. "Stop the car." He whispered. "What?" Shamaar asked. "Stop. The. Car." Tyrell spoke again, Byron did as told, Tyrell ran in to the forested area next to the motorway with Dee and Shamaar hot on his heels.

"Where did he go?" Dee looked to Shamaar and started to pull out her gun when Shamaar shook his head no. "There." He pointed,Dee followed his finger and then broke in to a run. "Tyrell wait!" Dee called, Tyrell spun round and stopped walking.

"Help." A person croaked from behind them, Dee pulled out her gun and turned around. "Dee put your gun down!" Tyrell yelled. "It's her. It's Deme."

Dee analysed the person standing in front of her, she was cloaked in purple bruises and welp marks, one eye was swollen shut, her lips double the size they were before. Her left arm was covered in a bandage that was once white but now blood red.

"They have a message for you Dee." Deme said. "What is it?" Dee frowned. "They said, they want you. They need you and they will kill for you." Deme recited. "Who are "they"?" Dee queried.

"They're your worst nightmare."

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