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"Be careful." Dee kissed Byron. "Don't tell them anything baby, I need you, I need you now more than I ever did before." Dee let a tear drop and Byron wiped hastily. "I'll be with you after you get questioned,both of you." Byron crouched down to Samara's height.

"You look after mummy while I go in okay?" He stroked Samara's cheek, she didn't answer just nodded. Byron stood back up to his proper height. "Dee, don't worry, I'll be in and out again, just like the rest of them." Byron kissed Dee and walked out of the cell.


"Byron Tucker?" Collins called. "You know exactly who I am, don't front." Byron chuckled. "I'm sure you know who I am." Collins smiled. "Nope,not even a hint of recognition." Byron shook his head from left to right.

Stilinski cleared her throat. "I'm detective Stilinski, this is detective Collins and I'm sure you know why you're here." Stilinski smiled and twisted her hair. "Yes ma'am, I know why I'm here." Byron nodded his head and Collins grabbed Stilinski's arm and walked over to the corner with her in tow.

"Take your thirst down a noch,we're supposed to be interrogating." Collins whispered, Stilinski glared at him before walking back over to Byron. "You have such polite manners-" "I'm sorry if this sounds rude but can we get back to the case please?" Byron asked.

"Right." Collins slammed down pictures of the deceased trio on to the table. "Do you know who these people are?" Collins questioned. "Should I?" Byron picked up the pictures and examined them. "They look like they had seen better days." He shook his head. "Poor people."

"That's Reece King, Brandon Shey and Sarayah Meyers. They died recently, do you know anything about their deaths?" Stilinski asked, Byron opened his mouth to speak but his words were cut short by Stilinski. "But before you start on a false note, I hope you know we have eye witnesses that can place you on the scene." Stilinski sighed. "So start talking." Collins said.

"I have nothing to hide, I'll tell you the truth." Byron shrugged. "It was Samara's birthday party, she had just turned two and she was playing with her friends when Brandon broke in to the party, he held everybody at gunpoint so we made Mahayma sneak all the children out. He shot Sanaa and killed her for no reason other than he wanted to. He held Mahayma at gunpoint and stole Samara so we went to get her back. Except, when we arrived at Brandon's house, it looked like somebody beat us to it. Brandon was laying dead, with a knife in his chest and his girlfriend, Samaya-"

"Sarayah." Collins corrected. "Same difference. Anyway she was crying over his dead body and shouting at somebody so of course, we wrote her off as mad because we didn't see anybody there. Turns out she was talking to Reece, Reece comes out of Brandon and Sarayah's bedroom spouting all this crap about how he did this all for Dee because he loved her and Brandon was planning to kill us all. Sarayah was mad because, you know, homeboy killed her boyfriend so she went ape and charged at Reece and Reece flung her like she was nothing more than a sheet of paper and I swear to you, she flew for a couple of seconds before her head hit the wall.

At this point Reece ran back in to the bedroom and came out with Samara. He said he wanted to make a bargain, Samara for Dee and Dee was ready to sacrifice herself for Samara and Dee bent down to hug Samara goodbye when Reece pressed a gun against Dee's head." Byron looked in to the detectives' eyes.

"Oh shit, I forgot to mention,like a week before that we had just got Deme back, Brandon had kidnapped and tortured her." Byron hit his head with his hand. "How could I have forgotten that!" He shook his head.

"Right." Stilinski nodded her head. "So whoever killed Reece had done it save Dejarnè, that gives them a smaller charge, a year at most as it was justifiable homicide." Collins stood up and walked in front of Byron.

"I know, I know, the question on everybody's lips is who killed Reece?" Byron chuckled. "The answer is..." Byron cleared his throat.

"I did."

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