I need you.

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Six days later

Dee woke up with a terrible headache. "Get up! We need to go pick up Deme and say our goodbyes, the flight is in four hours." Brandon tickled her until she rolled out of bed. "Brandon I hope you didn't pack a lot of shorts, London is almost always cold." Dee yawned. "I didn't pack a lot, I was hoping to buy most of my things in London." Brandon shrugged. Dee couldn't make a smart remark,she was planning to do the same thing,she walked slowly towards the bathroom.

Part of her didn't want to go,she wanted to run back to Reece but she knew that was out of the question. Dee was five minutes in to her shower,deep in thought when she heard the door of the bathroom open, automatically, Dee hovered her hands over her private areas. Brandon didn't even bat an eyelid.

"Get out!" Dee screamed. Brandon just laughed. "Our flight leaves in three hours, we need to get Deme plus, it takes us at least an hour to check in. So I suggest you get out of the shower and get dressed so we can leave, if your not out within the next minute, I will carry you out. If I do that I don't think we're going to leave in time, if you know what I mean." Brandon winked and laughed at his joke as he walked out of the bathroom. Dee sighed, she wrapped her towel around her body and went to get dressed.

30 minutes later

"Dee I'm leaving, where are you? Dee. Are you serious?" Brandon rolled his eyes as Dee shovelled another spoonful of golden nuggets in her mouth. Brandon had already packed all their clothes in to the car. Dee picked up the bowl of cereal and walked to the car, Brandon just mean mugged her. "What? I'm hungry!" Dee shrugged, her mouth full of food. "Let's go and get Deme." Dee smiled, even though she didn't want to leave,part of her couldn't wait to start afresh.

"May! Wait! I'm sorry!" Kevin's pleads could be heard by the whole neighbourhood. "Did you all have a piece of Santana? I don't care if she's pregnant, if I see her ass, I will kill the hoe! You know what, I'm done with you, I have nothing left for me here." Mahayma replied.

A few minutes later, Deme and Mahayma entered Brandon's car. "I'm going back to London with you guys, I bought my ticket the second I found that hoe in my bed. I sold my house, Kevin has nowhere to live." Mahayma's laugh shook the whole car. "Is that why Kevin asked for my house when we left?" Brandon frowned as he drove to the airport. Mahayma sighed and smirked" I hope Santana has a disease. I want him to catch something,teach his dumb ass not to cheat."

Everyone turned around to face Mahayma, Mahayma cleared her throat. "A std, a std, I really hope a nigga caught an std." Mahayma sung to the tune of "a pizza hut."

Everybody shifted uncomfortably in their seats, trying not to make eye contact with Mahayma. They all looked out the windows in silence.

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