Bad news

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"I'm afraid I've got some bad news."

"I'm sorry to tell you this but.... Dee has slipped in to a coma, there's less than a 25% chance of survival for her and sadly, she has lost her baby. I'm doing everything in my power to keep her alive and you are more than welcome to stay in her hospital room." The doctor's shoulders sagged as a tear came to his eye. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you taking it so hard? Don't you see things like this everyday?" Shavarn asked, Deme had walked away to cry, she also went to tell Reece the bad news. "Because, I never thought that the first time my daughter and I meet, would be under such grave circumstances." The doctor shook his head. "I loved her mother, I met her when I went on a business trip to London but her mother was just looking for sex. I was with her for the first nine months but she denied me access to my baby, I know she's mine, I had to run her DNA in order to do the surgery. I'll do anything I can to save her." The doctor ran a hand through his long dreadlocks.

When Deme told me the news I jumped out of the hospital bed. "What room is Dejarnè Reed in?" I asked the nurse in my room. "Sir,you need to rest-" Deme cut the nurse off. "105." I ran out the room, my hospital gown flapping all around me.

Tears sprung to my eyes when I saw Dee. She was all hooked up to wires, my baby girl looked pale, helpless. That wasn't the Dee I know, I know Dee as a feisty girl who had the sweetest personality. I realised that I wasn't alone when I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up and saw Shavarn and a light skin man who looked like he was in his late thirties.

"Who are you?" The man and I said at the first time. The man spoke first. "My name is Adrian Alin, I'm Dee's father, this is the first time I have ever seen my baby because her mother hid her away. Who are you?" He looked me over, I stood up tall, trying to make a good impression. "I'm Dee's boyfriend." I held out my hand, he shook it firmly. "What happened to you?" Adrian asked. I looked down, I totally forgot I was in hospital clothes. "I was on a date with Dee, I stepped outside briefly and I got shot, luckily Dee found me and saved me. If she hadn't come out looking for me I probably wouldn't be here now." I smiled proudly.

Adrian looked at Dee and sorrow filled his face. "I'm sorry, I wish I could've saved my grandchild, I did all I could." His voice broke at the end of his sentence, even though he wasn't around for Dee's childhood, I could see how much Dee meant to him. "Dee was pregnant?" Tears blinded my eyes, I felt myself falling, arms caught me before I dropped. "She was a month pregnant but I'm sure you will have another child. I'm going to take you back to your room and maybe I can get Dee in to the same room, your hospital room is really big." Adrian smiled.

I didn't know Adrian that well but I could tell that he would do anything for Dee, so would I. Dee needs to wake up, I miss my baby, I want to hug her, kiss her and tell her how much I love her.

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