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Dee awoke to pain. Dee let out a groan, trying to be quiet since Mahayma and Shamaar were asleep on the chair, Tyrell and Deme were on seperate hard chairs and Byron and Samara were on the hospital bed.

Byron shot up in concern. "What's wrong baby?" He searched her eyes for signs of pain. "My torso hurts." Byron looked down at Dee's bullet wound. "But mostly it's my heart." Dee sighed, Byron frowned. "Your heart hurts?"He asked in confusion, Dee nodded. "Byron we were going to have twins." Dee burst in to a tears. "I'm sorry, I know how much you wanted a child, I killed them both." Dee shook her head. "I used to be so strong and now look at me, I'm nothing." Dee picked at her hospital clothes in disgust.

"Don't do that." Byron removed her hand and cupped her chin. "I know you're upset but it was not your fault that you was shot, I don't blame you for the death of our unborn children but maybe it was meant to be. As for you being nothing, that's not true, your my everything. You saved me from going down a path that I would've regretted, you helped me love again. Maybe later on in the year, we can try again for a baby but at the moment we're going to have our hands full with taking care of little Miss innocent." He stroked Samara's hair.

"Why do you want a family so bad? I want one too but look around you, you're surrounded by loved ones, these are our family and now we're going to raise Samara, my family is complete." Byron kissed Dee's head. "What's the time?" Dee wiped away stray tears. "It's seven am, I'm going to get a hot chocolate, do you want one?" Byron jumped off of the bed. "Yes please." Dee smiled, Byron started to walk out before Dee called him back.

"Byron?" "Yes baby?" Byron replied. "I love you." Dee smiled. "I love you too." Byron grinned and walked out.

Samara started to stir from under Dee's arm, tears formed in her eyes as Samara sat up. "What's wrong?" Dee queried. "I had a bad dream, mummy always tells me it's okay and let's me snuggle up with her." Samara cried. "Tell me what happened in your dream." Dee was concerned for her niece. "I was in the hospital and mummy had loads of wires and she looked like a robot and she told me she wasn't going to see me anymore and then she dissappeared." Samara's tears stuck to her cheek.

"Well, when I had a bad dream I used to pretend that I could see the thing that's scaring me and that my finger was a magic wand that took it away. Samara imagine what scared you." Dee looked at Samara who forcefully squeezed her eyes shut. "Now here's the magic wand that takes it all away!" Dee put her finger on Samara's forehead. "Is it gone?" Dee raised her eyebrows as Samara giggled. "Yep. Aunty Dee Dee can I ask you something?" Samara pouted.

"What do you want to ask?" Dee smiled. "You said mummy is sleeping but people wake up when they sleep, why isn't mummy going to wake up?" Samara tilted her head to the side. "Umm, mummy was hurt and because of that mummy can't wake up. She told me that I have to look after you, isn't that going to be fun?"

"Are you going to be my new mummy? You can be my aunty-mummy." Samara giggled and yawned. "Aunty mummy." Samara chuckled before nodding off to sleep.

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