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One day later

"Where am I?" Reece sat up, a sharp pain to his abdomen made him lie back down. "Baby are you alright?" Dee ran to his side, Reece smiled at her. "I'm fine, apart from my abdomen hurting but baby, why am I here?" Reece frowned, trying to remember things from the day before. "Romaro." Dee clenched her fists,the anger clear in her face. Reece suddenly remembered that Romaro shot him. "I'm going to kill him!" Reece yelled as he tried to sit up, he failed to and he screamed in frustration. "Calm down!" Dee shouted but Reece was so het up that he didn't hear her.

Dee climbed on to the hospital bed on top of Reece. "Hey,hey, hey,baby? Calm down, okay? Don't worry about Romaro, I'll deal with him, you just have to stay here and rest. Kevin is going to come guard you because frankly, we don't have a clue what Sanaa and Romaro are up to. Just stay,relax and be good, don't cause Kevin any trouble-" Reece intersected Dee. "What am I? A child?" Reece knitted his brows. "Yep, you have to be a good boy for mummy." Dee winked. Reece kissed her, Dee kissed back and then pulled away. The lust was evident in Reece's eyes, Dee slowly grinded on him before she got off of his lap.

"Are you just going to leave me like this?" Reece pointed to the crotch are of his hospital gown, it was slightly raised up. "I would do something about it but we're in the hospital." Dee darted her tongue. "Eww! Deme's ears are not supposed to hear this!" Deme put her fingers in her ears. "You wasn't saying that yesterday." Shavarn smirked, Deme playfully pushed him. Kevin walked in to the hospital room and sat down. Kevin lifted up his top slightly, revealing his pistol and his hand gun. "Okay baby, we're going now, Kevin take care of him, you know what to do if anyone strange comes in." Dee kissed Reece's cheek, Kevin nodded. "I've been waiting so long to put a bullet in Romaro's ass." Dee smiled as Shavarn Deme and Dee walked to Shavarn's car.

"We only have one chance to do this, we have to do it right. You go in,get Dee and kill Reece, don't harm Dee. I never wanted to hurt Dee. I need her here next to me." Dee, Shavarn and Deme could hear Romaro talking from inside the abandoned building. Dee strolled inside with an automatic firearm. "You asked for me?" Dee put one hand on her hip as Shavarn and Deme walked in. "Now, I'm feeling good, I'll let the first ten people who get to the door leave unharmed but for the rest of you, this gun is going to be the last thing you see." Dee pouted, all the men and women in the room looked scared, especially Romaro. "6..7...8..9..10." Shavarn shut the door as the tenth person left. Shavarn and Deme shot everyone apart from Romaro, people were dropping like flies. "THAT WAS SO FUN! OH MY GOSH LET'S SHOOT SOME MORE PEOPLE!" Deme started jumping up and down, Shavarn took the firearm away from her.

"Where is Sanaa?" Dee asked in a menacing tone. Romaro cowered in the corner. "I left her, I realised how much I love you Dee." Romaro tried to walk towards Dee but she propped up her firearm,making him take a step back. "I told you, if you ever did anything wrong I'd cap your ass." Dee smiled evilly. "Dee I'm sorry, I don't know why I cheated, I love you. I've always loved you. I can't live without you." Romaro was on his knees. Deme threw Dee a pistol, Dee flung the strap of the firearm over her shoulder. "Well, I guess that's a good thing." Dee shot Romaro in his heart. "That's for messing with me. And this, this is for the pain you've caused me." Dee shot Romaro"s leg. "This is for Reece." Dee aimed the fire arm at Romaro's body,he was barely moving but he was still alive. "Goodbye, Romaro." Dee laughed as she pulled the trigger, sending multiple shots in to Romaro.

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