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Dee,Mahayma and Tyrell strolled towards Dee's car, their guns sitting in the holsters. Deme frowned at them."You do know that you can't take a tracked car to a suprise attack?" Dee turned around and smiled at Deme before reaching under the steering wheel,the passenger seat and the dashboard. "Who told you I was going to drive it?" In Dee's hand she held the two black 9MM and a P90 45 gun, she handed them to Deme, Byron and Shamaar. "Are you sure you don't want a gun? I have more in the trunk." Dee told Deme, Deme twirled her combat knife in her hand in admiration. "No, it hurts more this way."

They split up to go in two different cars, Dee and Deme went in to Byron's car, Mahayma and Tyrrell went in to Shamaar's. "Who's tailing us?" Dee said,looking out of the rear window. "It's Shamaar, when we first went to your first house, he was in the car with me. Brandon does still live there, right?" Byron took his eyes off the wheel momentarily to look at Dee. "Yeah. Byron you took the wrong turn!" Dee rolled her eyes. "There's a time and a place for your attitude, this is nor the time or the place." Byron deepened his voice, showing he meant business.

Dee didn't apologize, just looked straight ahead. "Stop driving!" Deme screamed. Dee's eyes shot up,trying to sense the danger while Byron swerved violently. "What?" Dee asked, still looking around.

"The house,look, there's something wrong." Deme's short finger pointed towards the door, the baby blue paint on the front door had deep tears, the golden lion knocker was hanging sideways off of the door and the door itself was hanging from one hinge.

Dee jumped out of the car and started to walk towards the house when Byron dragged her back. "What are you doing?" He questioned, concern clear in his eyes. "I'm going in." Dee pointed as if Byron couldn't see. "No, we all go in together, let's wait for everybody else." Byron pulled Dee towards him.

"If something goes down and there's no one to protect you, I won't forgive myself." Byron kissed her slowly and tenderly, as if on cue,Shamaar pulled up his car. "What were you guys waiting on?" Mahayma called, shutting the car door. Dee opened her mouth to speak when a gut-wrenching scream hit their ear drums like a ton of bricks. "I think it's time to enter." Dee took her gun and marched up to the front door.

"No! No, Brandon I'm sorry!" Sarayah lay on the floor, bent over the body on the floor. "Move." Dee held her gun against the woman's head. "Move or I will kill you in such a way, you will watch your guts spill out." Grudgingly, the woman moved. Dee looked over the body, the dead person had pool of blood around his head, the eyes stayed open yet the light had left his eyes. His curly brown hair was a deep red, the blood crusted over but the thing that caught Dee's eye was the eight inch kitchen knife poking out of stomach.

"Wow Brandon, who did you screw over?" Dee chuckled to herself. "How could you?" Sarayah screamed. Deme and Mahayma exchanged glances. "I'm sorry but he wanted Dee, I wanted her first. He wanted to harm her, I would never harm Dee. Not on purpose. He got what he deserved, I should kill you too for being in on it all." The man walked out of the kitchen with a cheese sandwich in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other hand.

"Hey baby." The man walked towards Dee, Dee put her gun up. Sarayah charged towards him with knife she had taken from out of Brandon's dead body. With one flick of his wrist, he flung her against the wall, knocking her unconscious. "Stop." Dee's tone was hard, immediately he let go. "This is all for you, I did this all for you, don't you see? I still love you Dee, I always will." He smiled from ear to ear as he looked around. "This was all for you."

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