New house

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Four days later

"Sign here." The nurse stabbed at the paper with her hand. "And there and there, okay, it's finalised!" The nurse waved the papers in the air. "Dee you can go home now!" Byron kissed Dee's forehead. "I get to spend some time with my baby girl." Byron deepened the kiss. "I get to have some alone time with my boyfriend." Dee giggled as she looked at Deme, Tyrell, Mahayma and Samara, Deme took the hint and stood up. "Come on guys, Sammy you too, let's leave the lovebirds for a day." Deme winked as she strolled out of the room.

"So what do you want to do?" Byron asked. "First, I want to get out of these clothes." Dee picked at the hospital clothes, Byron handed her a pair of shorts and hoodie. "I'm sorry but it was all I could see, you can get changed at home." Byron have Dee a weak smile.


Dee and Byron arrived home. Byron laid kisses on Dee's face. "Baby I'm sorry, I'm just really tired." Dee shrugged him off and she walked upstairs. "What's wrong?" Byron queried as Dee laid down. "Nothing, I'm just really tired." Dee yawned. Byron sighed and walked out of the room.

Byron walked in to the living room, he kicked off his Jordan bred 11's and put his legs on the couch and flicked onto the sports channel. Byron tuned in to the match of the day, he smiled at the tv and laid down on the couch. He slowly fell asleep.

Byron's eyes shot open and he let out a groan. Byron turned his head forward and saw Dee grinding on his body, Dee let out a smirk as she climbed off of him. "I'm glad you're awake, I want to go out somewhere." Dee giggled. "Where?" Byron put his shoes back on. "Mahayma just called me, she wants us all to sleepover at her house." Dee climbed back on to Byron's lap and kissed him. "The one she shares with Shamaar?" Byron raised his eyebrows. "No, she bought a new house, I don't blame her, I would too, Shamaar's a bit crazy if you ask me. She left all of her things at the shared house though." Dee sighed.

"By I'm scared for her, Shamaar raped my sister, he has a horrible temper. I don't want her to get hurt." Dee put her head on to Byron's neck. "She's a strong girl, plus we've got her, I'll take her to get her things tomorrow." Byron put on his shoes. "Go pack a bag for us and then let's leave." Byron kissed her as Dee jumped off his lap. "Byron, I've got to tell you something, I don't know how you're going to take it." Dee half smiled.

"Are you ready?" Byron shouted up the stairs. "Yeah." Dee walked downstairs with four bags, her hair bouncing with every step. "That's a lot of clothes for a day, why do we need two bags each?" Byron asked as he took the bags from Dee's arm's. "Oh, three's mine, one of them is yours." Dee laughed as she walked out of the house.

"My body is your party,baby
Nobody's invited but you maybe
I can do it slow now tell me what you want.
Baby put your phone down,you should turn it off.
Cause tonight it's going down,
Tell your boys it's going down,
We in the zone now,don't stop."

Body party by Ciara boomed through the car speakers as Dee and Byron stopped at the traffic light. Byron looked at Dee and bit his lip, Dee winked and carried on singing. Twenty minutes later, they pulled up outside Mahayma's new house and Dee rang the bell.

Byron and Dee were greeted by the sound of music flooding their eardrums. "Come on, you're late!" Mahayma dragged them inside of the house. Byron walked halfway through the doorway when he saw a black SUV parked outside the house. "What is it?" Dee looked behind her at Byron. "It's just, I thought there was a person in that car but I think it was just a trick of the light." Byron shrugged and entered the house.

"Where's Sammy?" Dee looked around the room. "She's asleep upstairs." Deme pointed. "I just got ordered the pizza, it should be here soon." Mahayma had her head leant over her phone. "So while we wait how about a game?" Tyrell smiled. "Of?" Deme asked. "Truth or dare?" Deme sat down on the chair she pulled out.

"May, truth or dare?" Deme grinned. "Truth." Mahayma poured herself a glass of Hennessey, looked at it and then placed it down with a sigh. "Are you pregnant?" Deme questioned. "No, I just don't want to drink." Mahayma shrugged. "Byron, Truth or dare?" Mahayma called.

"Umm-" Byron was cut off by Dee putting a finger on his lips. "Can anybody else hear that?" Dee cocked her head to one side. "Byron go and get Sammy, there's someone in the house." Dee looked around and saw that Tyrell, Deme and Byron were all reaching for their guns. "Byron get her now!" Dee whispered, Byron ran towards the bedroom and entered with Sammy in his arms.

"Is anybody home?" A deep voice growled. "I know you can here me so you better start answering me!" The voice shouted. "They're getting closer." Byron stood up and aimed his gun at the door, Deme, Tyrell and Dee did the same.The footsteps stopped outside of the living room door.

The person slowly opened the door, Dee, Deme, Mahayma, Tyrell, Byron and Samara were met with a wicked grin. "Hey baby girl, why didn't you tell me we moved?" Shamaar took a seat next to Mahayma and grabbed her arm. "Because we're over, you disgust me." Mahayma tried to pull away but Shamaar tightened his grip. "Ow,your hurting me!" Mahayma yelped. "Over?" Shamaar blinked twice. "We're far from over." Shamaar laughed. "No,we're done, now get out of my house!" Mahayma screamed.

Shamaar stood up and looked from side to side. "It's your fault." He whispered towards Dee. Too quick to register, he was standing over Dee. Dee was in shock, she dropped her gun. "Drop your guns or she dies." Shamaar pointed the gun at Dee's head.

"Shamaar please, put the gun down, don't shoot." Byron pleaded. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot." Shamaar clicked the gun. "Because, she's pregnant." Byron sighed.

Shamaar let go of Dee but still had the gun trained on her. "Sammy close your eyes, everybody else, hold fire." Dee said. "What?" Tyrell frowned. "Please,just do what I say." Dee sighed. Slowly,Shamaar took the gun off of Dee. "I'm so sorry Dee, you didn't cause this, I did. I'm disgusting, horrible, vile. I don't deserve to live." Shamaar slowly raised the gun to his head.

"May, I love you, I'm sorry." Shamaar pulled the trigger. "No!"Mahayma screamed, Dee laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Mahayma yelled. "The gun was empty, he forgot to fill it." Dee chuckled at the confused Shamaar.

"I hate you! I will kill you!" Shamaar screamed and pointed the empty gun at Dee. Again, the door was opened and in swarmed the police. "Shamaar Williams you are under arrest for attempted murder and for the Murders of Reece King, Brandon Shey and Sarayah Meyers, you do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." The police officer said as he handcuffed Shamaar.

Shamaar laughed as he was marched out of Mahayma's house and shoved in to the police van.

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