who are they

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"Deme, did you see their faces?" Shamaar grilled as they drove back to Tyrell and Deme's house.Deme shook her head no. "Why aren't we going to the hospital?" Tyrell asked. "Hospital's ask too many questions." Byron took a sharp left, avoiding the traffic lights.

"Dee,it's not safe! No! Come back!" Deme was knocked out of her mute state, screaming after Dee. "Dee they'll get you!" Deme cried. "They will get you!" She repeated,she grabbed Dee's arm and shook her head.

"Deme? What are you doing?" Dee tried to shake her off but Deme had a strong grip on Dee. "Deme what did they do to you?" A tear rolled down Dee"s face, Deme shivered and her eyes darted around the car.


"Here." Tyrell handed Mahayma the first aid kit, Sanaa traced over one of Deme's welp marks. "Deme, please, talk to us. Who are they and why did they do this?" Sanaa pleaded. Deme didn't say anything but a single tear fell as Sanaa touched her latest scar.

"Come on Deme, tell me. Tell your friend. Where is Dee?" He took off his mask and crouched down to Deme's height. "Why? Why are you doing this?" Deme said in a voice no more than a whisper. "What did I tell you about asking questions?" He punched Deme in the mouth. "Didn't I tell you no more questions? Speak when spoken to, women should be seen and not heard. You hear me?" He stroked her hair,Deme nodded. He traced the knife a long her thigh, digging in to her skin. "Now say it."

"Speak when spoken to, women should be seen not heard." Deme whispered to them all. "What?" Tyrell asked. "Who told you this?" Shamaar yelled. "No more questions. Speak when spoken to. Woman should be seen and not heard." Deme nodded. "Deme what are you talking about?" Shamaar said. "Sanaa take Samara out of the room." Sanaa did as told. "I'm not telling you! I'm not telling you where Dee is!" Deme screamed, thrashing about. Dee grabbed Deme's face. "Look, look at me, I'm right here. Dee is right here, you're safe now." Dee smiled. "Look at me, look, you're safe."

Deme looked at Dee, eyes wide in fear, Deme searched Dee's eyes for recognition before throwing her arms around her. "Dee, I want to go to sleep. I'm so tired, they hurt me so bad." Deme cried in to Dee's shoulder. "It's okay baby girl, we'll all go now okay? It's going to be you and Terrell." Dee let go of Deme. "Tyrell?" Deme looked at her boyfriend and ran in to his arms. "I love you." Deme kissed him. "I love you too." Tyrell smiled.

"Let's go." Byron left out, followed by Shamaar, Sanaa, Samara, Mahayma and Dee. Mahayma and Shamaar got in their own car, leaving Sanaa, Samara,Byron and Dee in Dee's Lambourghini.

"You can drive." Dee threw Byron her car keys. "Why do you think they're after you Dee?" Sanaa questioned,fixing a sleeping Samara in her booster seat. "I don't know but I can handle myself, they have no reason to come after my family. That's asking for a bullet in your system." Dee stroked her gun.

"I think the only reason you wouldn't be scared is because it's probably one of your many exes." Byron whispered to himself. "Excuse me?" Dee spat. "I'm just saying-" "no I know what you're saying." Dee mean mugged him. "Dee don't be like that." Byron whined. "Would you like to rephrase what you just said?" Dee queried. "It's just that, I mean, I was in your bed before we was even together-" Dee cut him off.

"So what? I'm a hoe now?" Dee laughed in disbelief. "I never said that." Byron protested. "Umm, Dee can you help me bring Sammy in?" Sanaa asked. "Do you mind if I stay the night?" Dee smiled. "Of course you can." Sanaa responded.

Dee shut the door on Byron's complaints, picked up Samara and walked away.

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