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Mahayma let out a deep breath as she got out of the car. "It's okay May, I'm right here, nothing's going to hurt you." Byron assured her as she walked towards the front door of her old house. "Look, if you don't want to go in tell me what it is you want and I'll go and get it." Byron shrugged. "No, it's alright, I'll get everything." Mahayma fumbled with the keys, missing the lock. Byron stretched his hand out for the key,reluctantly, Mahayma put it in his hand.

Byron pushed the door open, the house was completely trashed, Mahayma's clothes were thrown all over the house, Mahayma's name was written in red across the wall next to a hole in the wall. Mahayma walked in to the bedroom and in to the closet,she pulled out a big bag which she filled with shoes and clothes. "MAY!" Byron shouted, Mahayma hurried off in the direction of his voice. "Wha-" Mahayma cut her sentence short when she saw a shrine of herself in the second bedroom, it had pictures of her and Shamaar and various bottles of perfumes as well as candles and a mirror.

Mahayma ran out of the bedroom and in to the hallway, her breathing became shallow as she held on to the wall. "May, what's going on?" Byron asked, trying to help her stand up. "I don't want to stay in this house any longer than I have to, can we go please?" Mahayma staggered towards the door. "Here, lean on me." Byron said as he walked out of the door.

Mahayma stared out of the car window. "When were you planning on telling us?" Byron looked at Mahayma before turning his attention back to the road. "Telling who what?" Mahayma said. "That your pregnant." Byron glanced over Mahayma's stomach, Mahayma sighed. "Is that a yes?" Byron raised his eyebrow. "Yes,it is." Mahayma said. "How far along?" Byron turned down the music in the car. "Two months." Mahayma turned the music up. "Shamaar must have been happy when you told him." Byron realised what he said when Mahayma's eyes brimmed with tears. "Sorry, touchy subject, I forgot. Unless.. The baby isn't his,is it?" Byron shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it." Mahayma looked out the window again.

"Who's baby is it?" Byron pressed. "I said I don't want to talk about it." Mahayma repeated, she turned her head towards him and her eyes widened. "You can't tell the others." She shook her head. "Why?" Byron asked. "Because, Deme and Dee would grill me if they know who the baby's father is." Mahayma sighed. "It's our secret." Mahayma pleaded, Byron didn't say a word, he nodded his head.

Byron pulled up outside Mahayma's house. "Seems like everybody's gone home." Byron jumped out of the car and opened Mahayma's car door before going to the boot and taking out Mahayma's bag. "Go on in, I'll carry them in before I go." Byron smiled. Mahayma smiled back as she turned and walked towards the door.

"Do you want a drink?" Mahayma queried. "Can I have some apple juice please?" Byron replied. Mahayma sat back down on the couch, handing Byron his drink. "Byron?" Mahayma stared in to his eyes. "Why are you being so kind to me?" Mahayma started to drink her cappuccino but she burst in to tears. "Hey, hey,hey, don't cry. I'm kind to you because that's what friend's are for,I'm always going to be here for you okay?" Byron grinned at Mahayma, Mahayma smiled back.

Before Byron could do anything, Mahayma kissed him,grabbing his face and trying to sit on his lap. Byron pushed her off of him, on to the seat next to him and he jumped up. Byron didn't say a word, he walked out of the house and in to his car. Mahayma curled up on the sofa, knees her chest, crying softly.


"Tyrell?" Byron mumbled in to the phone. "Yo, what's wrong?" Tyrell could hear the frustration in Byron's voice. "I can't talk right now, just meet me at The Golden Cafe, alone." Byron hung up the phone and hit the steering wheel. "Shiit!" He shouted before driving off.

"She kissed me." Byron put a hand over his head. "Who kissed you?" Tyrell chuckled. "Mahayma." Byron sighed. "Well did you like it, do you like her?" Tyrell frowned. "No! No, I love Dee." Byron said,adamant. "Then what's your problem?" Tyrell kissed his teeth. "Mahayma is her best friend, do you know how much that will hurt her? How do I even tell her that?" Byron shouted in frustration. "If you don't tell her then when she eventually finds out, she's going to think you were in on it. If you love her tell her." Tyrell told him.

"I do love her." Byron replied. "Then tell her."

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