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"Tyrell! You just spilt drink all over my shirt!" Deme yelled, Tyrell smiled. "Maybe you should take it off then." Tyrell smirked. Deme took off her top, revealing a tank top underneath. "You know the deal when we get home." Tyrell whispered seductively in Deme"s ear.

"Sammy, come here!" Deme held her arms open as Samara aa ran in to them. Samaya kissed Deme's cheek. "Love you Aunty Dem Dem." Samaya giggled.

Sanaa glanced at Mahayma, everybody had accepted Sanaa apart from Mahayma. Sanaa expected another evil glare but instead, Mahayma smiled at her. "Listen Sanaa, I know, I haven't been that nice to you. I don't like you, at all. I thought you was a hoe, which you are-" Mahayma got cut off.

"Mahayma!" Dee called, pointing at Samara. "As I was saying, I don't like you, I trust you as far I can throw you but trust takes time, one day I might accept you. As far now, I don't." Mahayma smiled, Sanaa's eyes were full of tears. "But your child's cute." Mahayma called as Sanaa ran out of the house.

Deme ran after her, Dee stayed back to look after Samara. "Sanaa!" Deme called as she reached her. Sanaa's face was full of tears. "Don't listen to Mahayma, she's a really nice person but she has very bad attitude." Deme comforted Sanaa. "Sometimes it's hard, I'm a single parent, my daughter was born on the street, hell, if it wasn't for Dee, we would still be there. All I ever had were friends and I pushed them all away, if I could turn back the hands of time I would. I regret cheating on Kevin, I regret starting the fight with you, Dee and Mahayma and sometimes, I regret being in this world." Sanaa cried.

"Focus on all the good things you have, you have a beautiful daughter, you have a house and you have friends, we're all your friends, all of us in that house. Minus Mahayma. But you've got to keep your head up and put your best foot forward." Deme encouraged.

"Someone once told me, when the tide is high, you just get low. You will go under but just hold your breath and take it slow. You will get wet and the tide will carry you to places you don't necessarily want to go but you will get back up."

"Just focus on getting back up."

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