How dare you

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Ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived, Dee paced up and down the room, tears streaming down her face, Mahayma refused to let go of Sanaa,sobbing in to her hair. "Don't die, stay alive, I'm sorry for everything. You saved my friend, I swear, if you live, we can make up, we can... we can..." Mahayma broke in to tears before she could finish her sentence.

"Ma'am, can you step aside? Only three of you can come in the ambulance but we have to make quickly." The EMT told them, all the girls ran in to the ambulance behind the stretcher, Byron pulled Dee back. "Don't do anything I wouldn't, keep calm."

Dee stayed quiet, solemnly nodding her head.

They arrived at Valencia Hospital. "I can't. I can't stay in here knowing that I could've made amends." Mahayma walked out of the room, Deme couldn't bring herself to say anything, she sat immobile, staring straight ahead.

Dee combed out Sanaa's hair which was streaming on her pillow, tubes stuck out of her at weird angles, an iv drip hung from her arm and various machines were all around her. "It's sad isn't it." The woman who shot Sanaa entered. Dee pulled out her gun and held it to the woman's head. "Take off the mask." Dee barked, the woman did as she said. "Marie? For real?" Dee hit her with the back of her gun, knocking her unconscious.

Byron entered the hospital room followed by Tyrell and Shamaar. "Stay here." I need to go to the parking lot." Dee dragged Marie's unconscious body to the parking lot.

Whack! Dee slapped Marie's cheek, leaving an imprint on Marie's sandy skin, Marie looked up, dazed. "Who do you work for?" No answer.

Whack! "Who wants me?" No answer. "How do you always no where I am?" Dee held the gun to Marie's head. "Last chance, how do you always know where I am?" Dee squeezed the trigger,not realising it yet.

"Check your car." Marie blurted out, Dee kept her finger on the trigger. "I'm not going to be the only sister you lose today." Marie laughed, Dee fired numerous bullets in to Marie.

Dee slowly walked to her car, sat down and realised the light in the car was shining before she had even put in the key. "Shit." Dee threw her head on the steering wheel.

Slowly,Dee made her way up to Sanaa's ward. The doctor approached Dee with a smile. "She will survive, her vital organs are fine-" the doctor was cut off by a beeping machine.

"Doctor! What's going on?" Shamaar yelled. Sanaa's heart moniter sped up but still her eyes didn't shoot open, Sanaa's body went in to shock. Dee screamed and grabbed Sanaa, Byron pulled her back but Dee hung on. Mahayma dropped on the floor, crying uncontrollably, Deme sat on the hard hospital chair, staring straight ahead with a tear silently rolling down her face.

The heart moniter slowed down, Sanaa's eyes opened, Dee ran to her side. "Look after Samara. Promise me you will look after her for me." Sanaa pleaded. "I promise." Sanaa's heart moniter stopped completely. "No!" Dee screamed, she cried in to Byron's shirt.

Dee wiped her tears away and started talking. "It's my fault." Dee seethed. "They fitted a tracker in my car, they knew my every move, they knew everything, how could I have been so stupid?" Dee spat, Deme shook her head and Mahayma's eyes rang with fear.

"Dee, you said it was fitted." Mahayma put her head in her hands. "And?" Dee queried, tears still in her eyes. "There's no way they could've got hold of your car without you knowing." Shamaar folded his arms. "It was there the whole time." Tyrell finished. "Dee, did you buy your own car?" Byron asked. "No, it was a present, it was from..." The colour drained from Dee's face before she could finish her sentence. "Brandon." Deme produced a blade from her clutch and stood up.

Everybody walked out, leaving Dee in the room with Sanaa. Dee walked over to Sanaa and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll get Samara back for you, I promise, I'll raise her as if she was my own but I'll always tell her stories about her brave mummy. Goodbye Sanaa." Dee wiped away a fallen tear and joined everybody else outside.

"Now let's go kill that son of a bitch."

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