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"You sold us all out." Byron scrunched up his fist. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Shamaar shook his head. "What do you mean you didn't mean to?" Tyrell took a step forward. "It was either Mahayma and I or you guys and I chose her, I have to provide for her." Shamaar shrugged.

"You're an idiot, they used you, you're still going to go down for it all." Byron chuckled. "The baby isn't even yours." Bryon smiled, Shamaar shook his head. "Shamaar, the detectives want you." The police officer took Shamaar's arm and led him in to the interrogation room.

"Shamaar I need to ask you something." Detective Collins smiled. "What is it?" Shamaar asked. "Shamaar the body was found with numerous bullet holes, that means that you either had a semi automatic out or you had another shooter, tell me who it was." Detective Collins inched closer to Shamaar.

Shamaar gestured with his hand for Collins to get closer. "I've got a secret for you." Shamaar smirked, Detective Collins put his ear next to Shamaar's face.

"I don't like you." Shamaar whispered in his ear. Detective Collins stepped back. "Ditto." He smiled.

"Let's make a deal then, Mahayma's freedom-" "I don't care about that bitch! If she crawled in to bed with a peice of shit like you, who's to say she hasn't crawled in to somebody else's?" Shamaar asked.

"Thank you so much, just make sure you look after the brat she's birthing, you gotta pay child support and at least see it once a year, good luck." Shamaar winked as he got out of his seat.

Detective Stout walked in. "Now listen-" "No you listen, I have nothing to lose now." Shamaar sat back down and put his legs on the table.

"Don't make me-" "do what? Your fat, daddy pig- looking ass struggled to sit down, what you gonna do? Sit on me?" Shamaar giggled, detective Collins chuckled.

"You laughing? I mean you look like frozone from the incredibles. "You really think you intimidate me? You two best find your asses back on the damn tv screen and leave my ass alone!" Shamaar folded his arms.

"This is my last deal." Detective Collins said. "I'm listening." Shamaar smiled. "Tell me everything and I'll give you a small charge, the most you will do is a month." Detective Collins sat down.

"What about everybody else?" Shamaar frowned. "What about them?" Detective Stout winked.

"No deal daddy pig, it's all or nothing." Shamaar sighed. "Are you for real?" Detective Collins asked.

"You don't sell out family." Shamaar grinned. "Well,somebody should of told that to Mahayama."

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