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"Tyrell!" Someone yelled. "What?" Tyrell yawned. "Wake your ass up, you're supposed to be stacking shelves, hop to it!" Tyrell's assistant manger shouted. "Then once you've stacked shelf four I need you to work the checkout."

Tyrell groaned as he checked the time, it was only seven pm, his shift didn't end until ten. Tyrell fixed his green apron and walked out of the staff room. He walked in to the storeroom and came back out with a trolley full of confectionery.

Tyrell was no more than hallway through putting out Galaxy and Cadbury bars when someone had tapped his back. "Teresa if you give me another lecture on how I'm improperly stacking the haribos, I swear I'm going to scream!" Tyrell carried on stacking the shelves. "That's nice." Deme giggled, Tyrell turned around and picked her up in his arms. "What are you doing here?" Tyrell asked. "You know, shopping." Deme shrugged.

"Nah but for real, what are you doing here?" Tyrell put her down. "Dee sent a message, May and Byron have both been picked up the police, we think it's because Shamaar brought them in to it but he wouldn't have just put two of us under suspicion, we all are. Be careful what you say, you're going to be picked up too, the story is well-"

"Back to work, now!" Teresa, the assistant manager came charging towards the two of them. "Tyrell's girlfriend-" "Deme" Deme frowned. "I don't care for your name, I just want you to leave." Teresa said. "I'm a customer." Deme mean mugged. "No, you're a distraction." Teresa shifted her weight.

"You're not even all that." Teresa scoffed. "Carry on talking." Deme took a step forward. "As assistant manager, I'm kicking you out of the shop." Teresa took a step forward. "Don't ever step to me or I will knock your teeth out of your mouth." Deme glared.

"Are you sure?" Teresa smirked. "Teresa please don't, I don't want a dead manager." Tyrell shook his head. "Good because you don't work here anymore." Teresa smiled, Tyrell kissed his teeth. "Deme she's all yours." Tyrell chuckled. "What is she going to do? She's just a slutty looking hoe-" Teresa was cut off. "I was raised to never hit a woman-" Tyrell started. "I wasn't." Deme grabbed Teresa's long brown hair and wrapped her fist around it. "This slutty looking hoe is about to beat the shit out of you." Deme grinned.

Deme's fist collided with Teresa's nose as she let go of her hair, causing Teresa to scream.Teresa punched Deme in the mouth. Deme slapped Teresa around the head, making her stumble back. Teresa started mumbling in Spanish. "Putas estupidas poniendo a prueba paciente!" Teresa screamed. "Speak English bitch!" Deme yelled.

Teresa tried to grab Deme but Deme knocked her on the floor, Deme grabbed her head and slammed it on the shelf. Tyrell picked Deme up and walked out of the shop with her. "TYRELL! I wasn't finished, I was gonna slam dunk the bitch!" Deme moaned, Tyrell chuckled.

"Deme, this isn't WWE, your name isn't Nikki Bella!" Tyrell chuckled. "Look, go home, I'll be home soon." Tyrell walked Deme to her car. "Why don't you come with me?" Deme pouted. "My car is parked here." Tyrell shrugged. "Hurry up and get home." Deme kissed Tyrell and drove off.

"Get out my shop!" Teresa screamed as Tyrell collected his belongings. "Shut up before I bring Deme back." Tyrell laughed, Teresa looked behind her. "Is she gone?" Teresa asked. "Bye Teresa." Tyrell walked out of the shop.

"Tyrell-" "My name doesn't matter, what do you want?" Tyrell asked the police police officer. "Your under arrest for the murders of Brandon Shey, Reece King and Sarayah Meyers, You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." The police slapped the handcuffs on Tyrell. "Not too tight, I'm not into that kinky shit." Tyrell winked.

The police officer rolled her eyes and put him in the car.

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