who are you

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Whack! Another welp mark appeared on Deme's skin where the whip had been. Whack! Deme was sore all over. Deme's scream echoed through the walls of the room she was in. "Who are you!" Deme shrieked.

"Aww. That's cute, little Deme, scared! " A high voice laughed. Another masked figure walked in. "Sorry baby girl, I need somebody you're close to. I'll do all I can to get them here, even if it means killing you." A deep voice whispered in Deme's ear.

"That wasn't part of the plan!" The woman squeaked, the man shrugged and chuckled. "Collateral damage boo,that's all, she's collateral damage."

Deme broke down in tears, she wanted to be saved,she wanted to get out. "Shut up! I can't deal with your crying!" The man screamed, he stretched out a hand and slapped Deme. Deme's cheek stung, she fought back tears as she knew it would only make him more angry.

"Baby, calm down." The woman called as she grabbed his arm. He punched her in the mouth,she ran out of the room and the man walked over to Deme.

"Now, this is the last time I'm going to ask you." The man brang the whip out again.
"Where." Whack! "Is." Whack!  "Dee?"
"I'm not telling you. What makes you think I'm going to sell her out?" Deme laughed through the pain.

The man removed the mask. "Come on, tell your dear old friend." He smiled, Deme laughed even harder. He punched Deme in the mouth, Deme spat out blood. "As I said before, what makes you think I'm going to tell you?" Deme whispered.

"This." The man pulled the trigger. Deme let out a scream as the bullet landed in her leg. Deme looked at her leg in disbelief as the blood poured out. "Here's a band aid." The man chuckled to himself as he walked out the room.

The woman walked back in with a sharp knife, alcohol and water. "This is going to hurt." She smiled. The woman poured alcohol on the bullet hole, Deme screamed in agony. "Drink this." Deme took the vodka from the woman's hand and drank it all. Deme felt an unbearable pain, when she looked down the woman stabbed the knife in to her arm. Again, Deme let out a scream, her voice hoarse. "Shut up, I'm trying to get the bullet out."

Twelve minutes later, the bullet plopped out in to the bowl of water. "I suggest you put that band aid on." The woman walked away. Deme did as told, her vision blurred and her breathing slowed.

"Help." Deme cried as her eye lids became heavy. "Help."

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