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Everybody packed their bags on to the airport trolleys. "Where are we staying?" Mahayma asked. "I've taken care of all of that." Brandon winked as he tapped his nose. "Ooh! Can we get a puppy?" Deme squealed. "Yes! Let's get a Staffordshire bull terrior!" Dee pouted, Brandon rolled his eyes at the girls' excitement but he too, wanted a dog.

"Alright, whatever. First thing's first,once we're in London we're going to need to go shopping." Brandon said, obviously liking the fact that the girls were listening to him. "It's going to be twelve pm when we arrive, I think we should rest until two and then go shopping." Dee handed all the passports to the passport officer,once they were through they waited to board the plane. Mahayma bursted into a fit of laughter. "What?" Deme seethed, Mahayma pointed to a person in the distance before she held her sides,crying happily through her tears.

The person Mahayma pointed to was Reece. He looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks, his hair a mess, his skin pale. He wore a grey shirt and blue jeans, he wore to different shoes,one blue and one white.

"Dee! Don't go, I love you, I was an idiot to let you go. Dee I can't eat or sleep without you by my side-" Mahayma cut him off. "Then you need a doctor not Dee, boy bye." She waved, wiping away the tears. "Reece go home." Dee whined, not wanting to make a scene. "Not without you." Reece pulled out a gun, he held it in Dee's direction. "Dee come with me. Now!" Reece shouted, Dee flinched at the force of his words.

"No." Dee replied firmly. Before Reece could do anything, he was detained by the security, Reece screamed and thrashed out of the security guards grip. "Ma'am for the safety of you and your friends, I need you to board the plane now." The other security guard loomed over Dee, guarding them on to the plane.

When Dee was seated, she let out a long, exasperated sigh. Dee didn't realise she was crying until she heard a sob escape from her mouth, Dee closed her eyes. The quicker they landed in London the better.

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