I love you...

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Dee awoke to see Mario in front of her. She couldn't move, her body was tied to a chair and her hands tied together. Mario stooped down to Dee's level. "Hey beautiful!" He smiled at her. "Why am I here?" Dee mumbled, she wasn't scared of Mario but the look in his eye was unnerving. " 'Cause, Casper wants you but you're safe with me. I love you Dee, I would never hurt you. We've gone through the same things, we both have daddy issues, both our mum's drink heavily. The only thing that differentiates us is that I watched my mother die. Right. In. Front of me, whereas your mother is still alive." Mario gave a sinister grin. "But we can fix that."


"GONE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN GONE?" Romaro shouted in disbelief, he had just been discharged,he couldn't, no, he wouldn't believe what he was being told. Terri, Brooke and Santana were all in tears. Brandon, Tyrese and Kevin were mad but Romaro was livid, he would kill for Dee, he would even go to prison for her. Hearing that she was "gone" just wasn't adding up. He knew, in fact they all knew, that Dee wasn't the type of person to up and leave. Romaro was told by the doctor that he was given a drug to slow his heartbeat,almost killing him but he wouldn't believe Dee would do that. "Kevin,Brandon and Tyrese, you're coming with me to the hospital." He put on his black and white Nike air max 90's and a black and white Nike tracksuit and he walked out the house.

The car journey was silent until Brandon spoke." Why are we going to the hospital?" He asked. "They have camera's in every room, for them to not know what happened the camera must have gone "missing" or someone from the hospital is on this." Romaro said through his teeth, he didn't want to ten o'clock news anybody but if Dee has been taken deaths will occur.


"What do you mean?" Dee shuddered at Maro's ominous expression. "You will know in a minute baby." He replied. Dee squinted, finally taking in the room around her. Dee's eyes rested in a corner of the abandoned house they were in. She let out a bloodcurdling scream, Mario just scolded her like a mother would to a disobedient teen. "What was that for?" He folded his arms. "Why is there a dead person in the corner?" Dee shouted. Mario turned his head to the side as if it was the first time he had seen the deceased person in the corner. "It's Montana, I had no more use for her,she followed my plan and she was getting on my nerves. After she shot Romaro she posed as a nurse so that I could get in. Once I had you, I killed her." He shrugged.

"I have to pee!" Dee shouted. "And?" Mario asked as if he expected her to urinate in her clothes. "So can you take me to the toilet?" She pleaded, Dee didn't need to go to the toilet, Mario's dumb ass didn't check to see if she had her phone. "Can you untie me so I can go toilet?" Dee pouted, Mario did as she said and he marched her to the toilet but he stood in the doorway, leaving the door open. "Can I have some privacy, you know I think I started my pe-" Before she could finish her sentence Mario shut the door. "Umm.. do you need anything?" He questioned. "I need pads." Dee heard the front door shut, she knew she only had a couple minutes.

"Pick up,pick up,pick up, pick up-" Dee chanted, as if by magic Brooke picked up. "Where are you, we've been worried si-" Dee cut her off. "Mario has me hostage in an abandoned house, I don't know where I am but help me. I've got to go, don't call back, bye." Just as Dee hung up, Mario walked in the house. "Don't you need these?" He waved the pads in front of her face. "False alarm." She fake smiled. "Well, I have a suprise for you!" Mario smiled.

Dee frowned as her mother walked in to the room. "What's going on Dee?" Her mother was sober and scared. "I don't know, it's going to be okay." Dee was terrified and confused, what was Mario playing at? "Mario what are you doing?" Dee nervously laughed. "I'm making us the same, this needs to happen for us to be the same." Mario smiled, Dee didn't understand until she thought back. Mario said his mother was killed in front of him. "Mario,baby, don't do this. Mario you don't have to do this." Dee blurted out. "She needs to look after my brother, if you let her live I will be yours forever!" Dee shouted out in a desperate attempt to save her mother. "Really!" Mario's eyes lit up.

Dee nodded, fake smiling. "I don't believe you!" Mario yelled, making Dee flinch. He took the knife and plunged it into Dee's mother. "NO!" Dee shouted, running and jumping on Mario,trying to stop him. Mario flung her to the floor as if she weighed nothing. Mario took the knife out and plunged it into Dee's mother's heart. "No! Stop! Why are you doing this?" Dee pummeled on his chest but he acted as if he couldn't feel it. Dee's mother was still alive, coughing up blood. "I'm sorry baby, I was a bad mother. I love you." She continued to cough up blood. Dee pushed and clawed at Mario. "I love you too mummy!" Dee cried. Dee's mother stopped moving.

Dee slid down the wall, crying. Her and her mother didn't always get along but she still loved her. Dee hated Mario with passion, he was poison,he killed people for no reason. He needed to die, Dee was sure she was going to be the person behind the trigger.

"Go to bed. I'll be in soon." Mario said, Dee staggered in to the bedroom. She looked around, looking for sharp objects. Dee searched the bedroom drawers, in one of them was a gun. Mario's dumb ass left it with bullets, Dee smiled to herself. Mario was in the bathroom. "Goodbye you evil son of a bitch." Dee smirked. "Dee,what are you doing?" Mario looked scared, he stumbled backwards. "This is for my mother."

Bang! Dee sat on the cold,bare floor and cried. "I hope I see you on the other side mummy. I pray we're both forgiven for our sins, R.I.P." Dee kissed her mother's still,warm body and walked out of the abandoned house. She didn't know where she was going but anywhere would be better than the place she just left.

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