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"Who are you?" Shamaar took a step forward, pushing Mahayma behind him. "Dee's boyfriend." The man gave a cheesy grin, Byron frowned at Dee. "No, he's my ex boyfriend, he tried to kill me when we broke up." Dee looked at the man in disgust. "You cheated on me Reece and then you put a gun to my head but I'm not here to get back with you. Where's my neice?" Dee pulled out her gun and pointed it at him, the others did the same.

"You have six guns trained on your ass, now tell me where my neice is." Dee's tone was venomous. "If I was you, I wouldn't even think about shooting." Reece let out a maniacal laugh. "Where is-" Byron stopped talking as he saw Reece bring Samara out from behind his back with a gun to her head. The two year old was physically shaking with fear, her beautiful dress, now torn and bloody.

"Now, let's do a swap, oh I love that game, you know swapsies. But as I was saying, let's do a swap, her for Dee." Reece put the gun closer to Samara's head. "Done." Dee stepped forward before Byron pulled her back. "What are you doing? Sanaa told you to take care of her, how are you going to do that if be takes you?" Byron spoke through his teeth. "I will always put family first, whether it's you, Sammy, Mahayma, Shamaar, Deme or Tyrell, you all come first, I come second. I love you but I have to do this." Dee felt tears burning her eyes but she quickly blinked them back.

Reece let go of Samara who ran in to Dee's arms. "Aunty Dee Dee, don't go. Don't leave us." Samara cried in Dee's arms, again, Dee felt threatened by the tears that slowly stated rolling down her eyes. Dee looked up at Byron who lifted up to fingers, Dee frowned at him. "Samara, I don't know how to tell you this but, your mummy's going to sleep for a long long time." Dee said. "When will she wake up?" Samara pouted. "Never, I'm sorry honey."Dee looked down.

Hurry up baby girl, we haven't got all day." Reece folded his arms. Dee looked at Deme who mouthed to her "get down."

"One second Reece, I'm having a moment with my neice." Dee crouched down with Samara. "Sammy,show me how you play sleeping bunnies." Obediently,Samara dropped on to the floor.

"See the sleeping bunnies, sleep till nearly noon
Shall we try and wake them with a little tune
Look how still, are they ill,
Wake up soon.

Shhhhhhhhhh!" Samara giggled, the bullets showered down on Reece, knocking him off of his feet. Once the bullets had stopped, Dee jumped up,Samara followed her lead.

Samara's smile faded as she looked at Dee. "What's wrong?" Dee asked, Samara didn't say anything but she pointed a short, stubby finger under Dee's chest. Dee looked down in confusion. "SHIT!" Byron yelled. He picked Dee up bridal style and ran to his car, Shamaar ran behind, followed by Mahayma who had picked up Samara, Deme and Tyrell.

"Byron, I don't feel too good, I'm tired." Dee struggled to keep her eyes open. "Dee, stay with me do you hear me? You have to stay alive, I don't know how you got shot but you have to stay with me." Byron picked Dee up and ran inside of the hospital.

"What happened?" The receptionist asked. "She was shot." Byron replied as the doctor whisked Dee in to the surgery room. "Oh by who?" The receptionist popped her chewing gum. "What is it to you?" Byron spat. At that moment, Shamaar, Mahayma, Deme, Tyrell and Samara walked in.

"I just wanted to know, here's my number in case she, you know, doesn't make it." Tyre nurse popped her gum again and started to walk off when Mahayma dragged her back and punched her in her nose. "Don't you dare talk about my friend like that, of course she is going to make it. If I catch you spouting that shit again I will gut you like a fish." Mahayma whispered in her ear. "Is that clear?" The nurse nodded her head and ran off as the doctor stepped out.

The doctor kept a solemn face, Byron looked him in the eye. "What's wrong?" Byron choked on his words. "I'm so sorry." The doctor shook his head. "No!" Deme screamed,  fat tears rolling down her face. "Is aunty Dee Dee sleeping like mummy?" Samara tilted her head to the side. "No, no, Miss Reed isn't dead." The doctor blurted out. "Then why do you look so serious?" Shamaar eyed the doctor suspiciously. "I'm sorry to tell you, Dee was three months pregnant,with twins." The doctor scratched his neck.

Byron smiled. "I'm going to be a daddy." Again, the doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry to tell you this but, you're not going to be a daddy. They both died because of Miss Reed's injury." Byron burst in to floods of tears and he flipped his chair over. "It's going to be alright." Tyrese hugged him. "No it's not, it's not alright." Byron pulled away and punched the wall. A nurse ran out of Dee's hospital room. "She's asking for a Byron Tucker." The nurse looked around for any recognition.  "I'm right here." Byron took a step forward, wiped away his tears and entered the room.

"Byron what's wrong?" Dee tried to sit up but the pain coming from her torso was too much for her to handle, a small scream came from Dee's mouth. Byron quickly found his way to her side. "Hey, it's going to be okay Dee." Byron lied.

"If that's so, why are you crying?" Dee's concern blanketed her face. "Dee, did you know you were pregnant?" Byron asked, Dee was momentarily excited until she fully resisted his words. "Were?" Dee repeated, Byron nodded his head. "Were. We lost them when you got shot." Byron let a tear fall. Dee started crying softly. "Byron I'm so sorry, it's all my fault, I took the chance of us being parents away. I'm sorry." Dee was sobbing uncontrollably as Mahayma burst through the door. "Don't cry Dee, for every cloud there's a silver lining." Mahayma hugged her tighter. "May it's all my fault,it's all my fault." Dee's wails got louder.

Byron slid down the wall, grabbed his legs and sobbed in to them. "I'm sorry." Dee cried. "I'm sorry."

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