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Shamaar was escorted to a cell, he saw who was inside and turned to the detective. "Please, not this cell, any other cell." Shamaar pleaded. The detective frowned. "This is who your scared of? Man up and get off my arm!" The detective shook Shamaar off of his arm.

"No please, I can't-" Shamaar was cut off. "Go in, now." The detective gestured for him to enter but Shamaar clung to the bars on the door. "Please,no!" Shamaar screamed. "Grow a pair and enter the damn cell!" The detective shouted.

Shamaar stood, shaking the bars of the holding cell. Shamaar was extremely nervous, he was in a holding cell. That's never good, never. For him to still be here means that the police knew he wasn't innocent, they knew he helped kill Reece and once the police know your lying they hound you until they have enough evidence to put you down.

Shamaar was a snitch. Well, he didn't seem to think so but the police came directly at him, knowing that he would give up names so he must be. Police came to him, people saw it. The whole snitch label could destroy him, after all, snitches get stitches. Snitches get shunned, snitches end up outcasted,or worse, dead.

That's the reason why he was so scared, his death was inevitable once he was called a snitch. With the word snitch in the air you might as well join the witness protection program but to get in the witness protection programme Shamaar would have to bring down a big shot or the police would have to know how threatened your life is. If Shamaar was labelled a snitch, he would have to sleep with a gun under his pillow because his life would be gone in a second.

"Why are you so far away, are you scared?" Shamaar's holding cellmate smirked. "N-no, you don't scare me." Shamaar tried to puff out his crazy. "Your nothing but a snitch bitch." The person laughed.

"Shit, you seem to be forgetting who did the decieving first." Shamaar frowned. "Yeah and I enjoyed every minute of it." His cellmate smiled. "A couple of minutes ago you was scared to come near me and now your wagging your tongue." The cellmate rolled their eyes.

"I'm this close to cutting out your toungue." His cellmate grinned. "I don't care, I've already lost everything." Shamaar chuckled and threw his arms open.

"Yeah, maybe I did snitch maybe a stabbed you in the back but don't you dare stick your nose up at me." Shamaar walked up towards his cell mate. "Don't you dare act like an uppity,stuck up bitch when really your just a dumb ass, fickle, h-"

Shamaar's sentence was cut off with a gut wrenching scream. Shamaar heard the scream but yet he knew it didn't come from him, he looked in confusion at his cellmate who smiled at him and pointed down.

Shamaar saw a knife sticking out of his stomach. His cellmate pulled it out and giggled as they plunged it in another ten times.

Shamaar was in intense pain but he was still alive. "Goodbye snitch bitch." His cellmate hovered over his body before slitting his throat.

The cellmate slid down the wall with the blade in their hands, laughing at the dead body when they heard a jangle of keys. They looked up as their eyes connected with Tyrese Collins. "You're under arrest for the murder of Shamaar-"

"Don't say his name." The cellmate whispered.

"Why did you do it Mahayma?" Tyrese shook his head. "He got what he deserved. Besides, you can't put me in prison, I'm blatantly pregnant." Mahayma chuckled.

"No, you see, that's where you're wrong, pregnant women still go to prison, once you give birth you and you're baby are going to be put in a mother's and baby unit. You can stay there for up to eighteen months with your baby but you're going down for manslaughter, you will do a minimum of four years and if the jury sees fit, you could be in there for life." Tyrese said as he handcuffed Mahayma.

"You didn't think your plan through, did you?" Tyrese chuckled.

"Looks like I'm going to be a full time daddy."

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