Is it too late?

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Kevin,Romaro,Mario,Tyrese and Terri entered the house. All the lights were off apart from one. "Girls?" Romaro called, cautiously walking towards the lit room. Nobody answered. Terri pushed Romaro out the way. "They're not going to answer you, they're both mad at you." She told him. He rolled his eyes. "Roll your eyes at me again and I swear, they will stay at the back of your head. Romaro you don't scare me." Terri threatened, giggles could be heard from the room. "Yeah, it's definitely Brooke and Dee, I'd hate to be you right now." Kevin smirked, Romaro scowled at him, making him take a step back. Brooke left Dee's room, smiling at everyone until her eyes grazed upon Romaro, she gave him such a look that he had to turn away. He gave an akward cough, Brooke stopped looking at him and went in to her bedroom. "Ooohhh!" Everybody yelled. Romaro stormed off, walking in to Dee's room.

"Dee?" Romaro called. Dee didn't say anything, Romaro scanned the room, there was no sign of Dee. Romaro walked in to Dee's en suite. He gazed upon the turquoise marble tiles, when he heard a gasp from behind him. He turned around to see Dee,standing in nothing more than a towel, she had no make up on and her hair was wet and curly. "You scared me! Get out!" Dee screamed. "I just want to talk." Romaro said,staring at Dee's body. "Why is it that you always find something to talk about when I'm not fully dressed?" Dee questioned. "It seems like you want to see me naked, is that it? Do you just want sex? Is that the only reason why you saved me back at the club?" She shouted. Romaro was confused. "Where is this all coming from? " He looked Dee in her eyes, her eyes were full of tears and hurt, Romaro felt guilty for making Dee feel like this. Dee ran in to the bedroom to get changed, Romaro waited in the bathroom.

Romaro heard crying. He entered the bedroom, Dee was on the bed in shorts and a sports bra,tears streaming down her face. "Come here." Romaro said,sitting at the edge of the bed. Dee didn't budge. Romaro gently grabbed her arm,pulling her towards him. She burrowed her face into his chest,he kissed her forehead. "Baby I'm sorry, I did you wrong, I made you feel worthless. You're not worthless, you mean a lot to me,you mean the world to me. Is it too late to tell you that I love you?" Romaro whispered in Dee's ear. "Is it wrong that after all you've done, that I still love you?" Dee mumbled. Romaro lifted her head up by her chin, he brang his hand up to her face. "You're so beautiful, I promise you, this is the last time I make you cry." Romaro kissed Dee's tears away. "Will you be mine?" Romaro looked at Dee in awe, she nodded her head in response. Dee kissed Romaro, the kiss was full of passion. Dee laid on the bed,bringing Romaro down on top of her. "Are you sure?" Romaro questioned. "Uh huh." Dee said,against Romaro's lips.

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