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"Dee, you're not doing this, I'm not going to let you." Romaro grabbed Dee's arm, pulling her back, Dee shook him off. "It's the only way to get Brooke back. We have to be there by nine pm, it's already eight pm,there's no time for a debate." Dee walked to the car, she was acting tranquil but deep down,she was terrified.

"I don't want to lose you,if you go then I will never be able to see you again!" Romaro was angry, he was angry at himself and he was angry at Dee for trying to be the good Samaritan. "This is your sister. If I was you I would do anything to get her back. I couldn't live knowing that I was the reason for an innocent person dying." She shook her head as she climbed in to the car, Romaro got in to the passengers seat, still trying to get Dee to change her mind.

"Dee, I love you, you can't leave me, not like this. It's not right, I swear I will kill that son of a bit-" "Calm down. I love you too but it's going to be alright. Come here." Dee grabbed Romaro's face, kissing him passionately. Romaro smiled at the kiss, he started pecking her lips. "I. Swear. You. Are. The. Only. One. For. Me. I love you." He said in between pecks. Romaro had never loved anyone before Dee came along, he loved and cared for her more than his own flesh and blood. How will I cope without Dee? She's the reason I get out of bed every morning. She's the reason I smile, I didn't want to think of a life without her, now I have to, Romaro thought. A fresh set of tears rolled down his face,joining the puddle on his top.

"Don't cry, we're here now. You're going to have to come and get Brooke. Remember, I love you." Dee kissed Romaro's lips. They were so soft and succulent, Dee knew she would never get the chance to kiss them again. The honk of a car engine drew Dee out of her thoughts.

Out of the car stepped Casper, followed by two six foot, lightskin boys with grey eyes, they looked no older than twenty. In between the two lightskin boys stood Brooke. Brooke would not look Dee or Romaro in the eye, she looked agitated. "What's wrong Brooke? Your free now." Dee gave a wistful smile. "I'm sorry Dee." Brooke started crying. "Why are you crying, it's okay." Dee hugged Brooke, Brooke started to cry harder. Casper started laughing, Dee looked up and frowned. "She was never free. She was never your friend either." Casper was laughing so hard, his shoulders were shaking. Dee jumped back, pushing Brooke away from her. "How do you think I knew your every move, how else did I know where you lived? Brooke, thanks for the tip offs but you're of no use to me now, one of you get rid of her." Casper clicked his fingers at the lightskin boys. "The other can get my pretty little friend." He blew a kiss at Dee but Dee was glaring at Brooke so she didn't notice.

Dee jumped on Brooke, smashing her head in to Casper's car. Nobody attempted to stop her, even when Brooke was screaming with her face dripping with blood. "Feisty!" Casper laughed. "Pick her up and let's go." He walked over to his car. "I said, BRING HER AND LET'S GO!" Casper shouted impatiently, drumming his fingers over the headboard. "Let me go! Let me go! I love you baby!" Dee kicked and punched the person that lifted her up but she knew she wasn't going to be put down. Dee silently cried in the backseat of Caspers gold Lykan Hypersport.

Romaro stood over Brooke. Her face was disfigured, her nose was broken and so was her jaw. Romaro was disgusted. Not at her face but at what she had just done. Not only did she set up Dee, she also sold them all out. She chose Casper, a sick,sadistic thirty five year old man over her own flesh and blood.

"Help me!" Brooke croaked. "You want me to help you? Are you sure?" Romaro reached in to his inside jacket. "Mar Mar don't do this." Romaro winced at his childhood name. "I'm your sister!" Brooke shouted. Romaro nodded as he pulled out his gun,oblivious to Brooke. "I know your my sister, it just goes to show that even family can switch up on you. I guess water is thicker than blood, I haven't got any family left." Romaro shook his head and sighed. "What do you mean?" Brooke asked. "Bye Brooklyn." Bang! Romaro got in his car and drove off without looking back.

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