Good News

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 Walking back to the dorm was hard because I kept falling to my knees crying. Loki had to hold onto me going back to my dorm. DJ, Apollo, Balder, and Tsukito each had to take over at most 3 times. It was only 20 minutes walking to my dorm, but it took about 2 hours when I would stop and fall to my knees and whoever was walking with me had to also stop to talk to me. When we all got to my dorm I ran straight into my room and fell to my knees and cried. I cried for the rest of the day. I sat on my bed and cried for hours. I just either stared out my window or at my wall.

"Hey. Um. Me, Apollo, Balder, Tsukito, Thor, Dionysus, and Hades were going to go to the beach to hang out if you wanted to come." I looked at my door and saw Loki and looked back out of my window.

"I'm not in the mood." I tell him and tears were falling out of my eyes.

"Come on. You've been crying for hours. You haven't left your room since we got back. You need to get out and hang out with people who care about you." Loki states and I get even more agitated and sad.

"That's what Laurance always did. When I would stay away from people for a long amount of time he would make me go hang out with him DJ and their friends or with Carmen and Kaylee or with the family. He would never let me stay in my room for a long time. He would always make me leave my room." I said.

"Come on, you've been comparing things that happen with Laurance. I know that you're having memories of him and can't get over it. But, you need to understand that he's dead and won't come back. He would won't you to still be upset abut his death, but would still want you to be happy and be with people who care about you." Loki sits down next to me.

"How can I be happy? He's gone. He's been my brother and with me since the day I was born. He's always been there to protect me and help me." I say and Kaylee barges in with a very happy look on her face.

"Why did you barge in?" I ask agitated while she was catching her breath.

"You're gonna want to see this." She said.

"I don't want to move." I say forcingly. Loki picks me up and sets me outside of my room and makes me walk outside. I look out there and look around. Everyone either have tears falling out of their eyes or smiling. They were all in a line in front of something.

"Trust us Fae. You'll be the happiest person on Earth once you see this." Carmen says and everyone moves to a side and my eyes widen and fill up with tears immediately. I cover my mouth and begin to cry.

"You're alive?!"

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