So This Is Me...

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My Name... I will not say yet but soon enough. I am currently 14.

   And i'm pansexual but my family assumes im bisexual.So really my family has no clue of what part of LGBT I really am and neither do I really. I'm often told I look like a boy and dress gay which is just not the way they should have put it.I recently cut my hair short so now they are saying stuff like its a phase...

I now officially hate the word phase cause it's like that perticular word has been attached to me my whole life.But if there is anything u guys want me to talk about please speak your mind I love hearing opinions well... As long as they are nice.

And can one of my friends get me this???Like come on you people are asking for it!!! I say this because SO MANY PEOPLE WETHER I SAY IM A GIRL OR NOT THEY STILL SAY DUDE OR THEY😂 I mean say they at this point I give up😂

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