Worst day ever...

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        Well awhile ago I told my teacher I was planning on switching out of her class which is chorus but I didn't tell her why. Which its because I get horrible anxiety I don't know why it makes me upset but it happens when I have to do things in front of people majority of the time. She said ok that day, but then later the same day she said I'm not letting you leave my class because you have a beautiful voice and I start tearing up not because of HAPPYNESS because of anxiety and not being able to leave. Of course I started to panic, again she didn't notice, Though or she just didn't say anything.
       But that's not all that happened today awhile ago I told my mum something my cousin put on snapchat and today my mum asked me to show her my Snapchat my mum was told! That I was doing bad stuff that made me look like a lesbian and she fucking yelled at me!THE FUCKING POINT IS I DIDNT EVEN DO NOTHING BAD!!! I'm not even daiting the girl in the picture she has a fucking boyfriend!NOW IMAGINE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I SAID I WAS FUCKING PANSEXUAL? I would probably get told to go to hell....This is not how I wanted her to find out.Defiantly not saying shit about being pansexual.I feel like having a anxiety attack but just need to breath. I don't know if she knows I'm gay or what.? Well my uncles gay and that's my moms brother and she says she accepts him but she also says it's wrong in gods eyes,which my mum shouldn't even fucking say if she doesn't go to church smokes,cusses ect.My mum thinks way differently than I do about almost everything.Cant wait to drive luckily I'll get my permit at 15 and a half but I think u have to have someone with a licenses in the car with you but no way in hell am I being stuck in a car with adults I'll figure it out somehow.

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