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Hey what's up you guys it's your person Andy and I just wanted to say sorry that uploading has been very little for awhile I just didn't have time but I'm trying to get ahead in some classes so maybe that will help until summer comes along.

Um im thinking about changing my profile pic to a actual photo of me? Idk yet because hats are my branding. I ridiculously love hats right now I have 4 hats and 5 beanies I would have more but I'm a broke son of bitch sooo yeah. Also I need like one more follower until I hit a hundred WHICH IS FUCKING AMAZING like that may not seem like a lot to you guys but to me it is like damn lol. It actually would have probably took me longer to notice that if The_Mystical_Eye hadn't commented on my profile telling me so applause for The_Mystical_Eye thank you lol

Also it's been a really long time since I updated my bio? I think that's what it's called so I finally updated it. I also put my Snapchat on there and Instagram which I mainly only use Instagram for posting photography pics I take.

Also I'm really tired of people not being real with me like I can't believe the amount of people that say there so into their boyfriends but then come after me and say they want to be with me @ Rylie we don't even talk anymore because of the stupid shit she dose which her and her boyfriend just broke up and shes after me no thanks I'm good bitch lol and she's been wanting me to go out with her cousin? That happens to be a transgender female. Now clearly I'm pansexual so idc gender wise but it's kinda like she's pushing it on me to go out with her and I'm completely up for being friends with her she seems really chill but I just found it kinda odd. How she was after me now she pushing her cousin on me? It's fucking odd.

Which I'm single and it may be awhile until I'm back in a relationship I'm over my last one but no one seems to like me the way I like them? But I'm not one of those people that has to be in a relationship I'm actually fine with being single I mean etheir way I may or may not raise a kid in the future. I'm going to adopt a kid. The idea of giving birth scares me. I mean would I like to be in a relationship yes am I going to search the universe for a partner no. I'll just wait for the person to find me and hopefully that will happen lol

But anyway that's all for today guys Stay Strong love you guys BYYYYYEEEEE!!!!

Random thing of the day?
Should this be my YouTube outro?

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