Hows It Going?

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Hey guys it's Andy
Sorry I haven't been posting I've been really busy studying and when I'm not studying I'm taking care of my brother or shooting bow and arrow things have been weird lately I've noticed that I don't back down as often as I USALLY do when it comes to telling someone how it is and it dosent matter who it is if someone is saying something bad involving the LGBT+ community I go off on them like without even thinking I use to hesitate and tell myself not to but now I'm just like fuck it and go off on the person.Sage has been fucking up more than usual and it kinda kills me,because he was doing so well. I have been acting different around everyone at school... I'm so done with pretending to be someone I'm not! My mum sittin here telling me schools gonna be hell! THE FUCK !!!!IT ALREADY IS I GET MADE FUN OF BECAUSE OF THE WAY I READ!!!(I have a tiny speech promplem) The point Is idc what people think of me I much rather people hate me for who I am then me hate myself for not being true to myself and everyone love me NO IM DONE IM BEING MYSELF 100% FUCK YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE IT no I'm not going to post I'm pan on every damn social media I have but if it comes up I'm gonna most likely own up to it and say im pan respect me for who I am or don't if you don't get the hell of my page Idk yet maybe this summer I'll do a coming out video for YouTube idk I Just feel like there is more to my story that I should share cause I honesty don't remember what I have and haven't told you all and for the people that don't follow me on here that know me from YouTube to make them aware I guess not sure how to put it

ALSO HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY TYLER!!!! I HOPE YOU HAD A SWELL DAY AND I HOPE YOU DIDNT GET A DEATH NOTE BECAUSE IF YOU DID WERE ALL GOING TO DIE.... sorry this was uploaded late the app for wattpad isnt working on my phone so i had to get on my laptop and upload this sorry wattpad needs to get there shit together!

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