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So I'm not a very confident person but they are times that I don't think about what I'm doing and I will do something that I wouldn't normally do so easily like someone can say God hates fags or anything transphobic or homophobic and ill immediately be like what the fuck is wrong with you? I'll say it out loud too I guess since I've started coming out to certain people wether they cared or not that I am pansexual I've just gain confidence in certain things like presentations I still get nervous but like if it's a topic that I'm so interested I'm in no way nervous like today this is just out of no were I didn't talk in front of the class but it was related to me and everyone else anyway the teacher asked to get three of our tests out of the group he asked for one more I said with no hesitation here there all wrong but go ahead lol and that's not normal for me at all idk I guess I'm just happy and I've also noticed that I'm becoming more protective of my friends than I already was not like overprotective parent shit no that shit would drive me crazy
Random thing of the day?
Another lyric here we go
When the leader of the bad guys sang something soft and soaked in pain I herd a echo from his secret hideaway he must have forgot to close his door as he cranked out those dismal chords
Guess away ! Lol

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