My Little Family of LGBT Community Recently

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By family I mean friends and family I consider my friends family

My uncle~he's gay for the most part people accept him he was mainly worried that me and my cousin(not the trans one) and his sisters and his mom wouldn't like it he only wanted acceptence from us we all accepted it

My cousin~my cousin is MTF which means male to female I don't remember much about her transition I just remember seeing her as a boy and then a girl and I thought it was normal to this day I think it's normal to identify how ever you choose for the most part she's accepted

My friends there are 2 girls~they are both bisexual

Halsey~I believe is PANSEXUAL because she likes nonbinary people but she told me she was bisexual when we first started talking she has been out to her mom for a while idk how long she's known but she's not fully out

Rylie ~she came out to her mom and brother I think the dad knows not sure lol but they except her but apparently she's not fully out she's pansexual

That guy friend~so this guy recently came out to me as bisexual he cross dresses when he told me he cross dressed it was like this...
Him~I Tried to steal one of ___ (his girlfriends) dresses
Me~*lauged*(not in a mean way he knew that)
Him~you probaly don't know what I meant by that
Me~*I said really quickly* actually I do you cross dress
Him~yep *laughs*

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