Spread The Love!!!

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Thursday,15 2016
Hey girls and boys and everyone in between! I just wanted to say I'm not always hating even though so far it really dose seem that way and That I'm going to start putting dates on what I am saying so you can know how long ago it was.But I thought maybe I could share some things with you people's.First off I do marching band and play flugelhorn.I originally played trumpet,flugel and trumpet are the same notes.And now I'm playing French horn in regular band class,but I've always wanted to play percussion but we had to take a test to do percussion and being the chicken I am didn't do it because I was scared of not getting in which I didn't because I didn't even try and now I can't switch because there is too many percussion ugh I should have just took the stupid test cause then I could have possibly got in.
Favorite bands~Panic!At the disco,Twenty One Pilots,Falling in Reverse,All Time Low,Three days Grace,Get Scared and loads more trust me too many
Artists~Halsey,Melanie Martinez,Caroline Dare,Troye Sivan
Okay...So I like a lot of music and there is just too much to name
Favorite supervillan~Harley Quinn and Joker
Favorite Super Hero~ Batman
Batman you knew that was coming!And I can't help the fact that Harley Quinn and Joker are a power couple therefor you can't choose one I love there insaneness!But I do have to say I believe Harley is more fearless than Joker just saying.
School Related Fun~a lot of people in my school don't respect the LGBT community,except my friends they do respect it they just have trouble remembering my prounouns.
Phan~Dan and Phil duhhh!!!
AJThorkie~TheRealAlexBertie and Jake Edwards
      I'm just going to list a couple Youtubers now even thow I already named two...
1.Sammiespeaks (Totally Tumbler)
2.Miles Chronicles (GAAAAYY)
3. Jessiepage (Secretly a Mermaid)
4.Shane Dawson (Mook Bang)
Listen the things in parennthise is just side notes I'm not making fun of them im a huge fan off all of them lol.And I also don't know how to spell the thing i was going to say for Shane whoops lol.
Just so you  know if you message me I will try my best to answer but sometimes I don't have internet I would love to make friends from here.

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