Hearing Is A Bitch

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I never do that at the beginning that's new??? Anyway how are you guys? What you all been up to? Me personally I say this has been the happiest point in my life? If you haven't truly met me you possibly don't know I'm a extremely depressing person shit just doesn't go right in my life um shit still happens but I'll Ethier get emancipated or wait till I'm 18 so soon. But until then I'll ignore the shit as best as I can😂.

Never got a hearing test but my hearing is still shit but honestly it doesn't bother me not being able to hear all that much because my friends just make jokes about it I don't get offended about it. One of My old teachers didn't know that I have hearing issues now and so they tried to talk to me during band outside on the field like across the field we actually aren't that far away but I had asked the person beside me every time she says something what she had said and finally he just yells THEIR DEAF😂😂😂😂 and she says I know and continues to talk to me NOT GETTING ANY CLOSER OR ANY LOUDER so I kinda of gave up😂 like idk if she didn't know what he actually said or what but She kept talking and I was completely lost😂😂😂

I actually went a entire day in school without talking except when talking to teachers of course. I did this because I know that if I go deaf I more then Likely won't talk. And this day I was stuttering and repeating myself couldn't make since of my sentences. So I didn't speak I just signed my boyfriend understood completely because he did the same thing when he went to another school. My friend was kinda confused (Coco) I kept signing or mouthing the words I believe she understands how hard it is to read lips now😂😂😂 She is one that doesn't know sign language I've tried teaching her simple ones but she forgets. So she missed read a lot of things that I was mouthing/signing it was quite hilarious 😂 Another friend I have litterly slammed on the table to get my attention I had no idea 😂 because I didn't feel a vibration from the table moving or hear him when I looked up because he threw a colored pencil box at me he looked at me in said GET A FUCKING HEARING AID😂😂😂😂 I would love to but my family hasn't taken me to get tested they just don't care enough sorry🤷🏻‍♂️😂

I honestly really need help with my sign language. I do better reading someone doing sign language then actually signing myself and I need to work on it really bad because of the hearing issue. I don't believe any of my readers have hearing issues? But if you do and you want to help me get better at sign or need a practice partner pm me😂 I would like if the person is close to my age that would be nice

So we recently had a pep rally where I'm in band I was in it. The band also got to leave the pep rally early so I went to a window to look into the pep rally. Where my friends were stuck in the pep rally and wasn't allowed to leave almost immediately del spots me and starts signing help me please help me help me help me please he absolutely hates pep rally's honestly I do to I'm not a peppy person clearly 😂 basically the whole time he was trying to get me to come in there and get him out of it like I don't have any control over that😂 imma stay right where I'm at I hate pep rally's and at the window I couldn't hear anything that was happening when I was in the pep rally I could hear really the band I never once could understand what are principal was saying with a microphone cause the static and muffles at least that's what it sounds like to me everyone else around me knew what he was saying I was lost😂

But I guess that's all for today guys love you guys stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

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