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Hey guys it's Andy and today I was riding my penny board and I asked my mum do you need help because she was getting shit out of the car I said it while I was riding my penny board and this kid on a bike says you can't skateboard and I only herd the word skateboard and then my mum says to say piss off I wait a second and say what did he even say she tells me and I just say I can ride better than him I bet and my mum of course says I think you do pretty good and I know I'm not like a pro I'm well fucking aware ok dude? But did he really even have a reason to say anything? I think maybe he thought I was talking to him when I said do you need help but idk it was so fucking stupid idk if he thought I was younger than him or what but I'm DEFINATLEY older than him I also have no idea if he thought I was a guy or a girl cause he didn't use pronouns but this isn't the only time I've been considered bullied on the side of my nanas house I say considered because they try to hurt me but it didn't really hurt me any that just shows how idiotic you are yes it's still bullying if it didn't hurt me but you know what I mean the thing is the people that try to hurt me are always riding something not like a car but it's always random people like riding bikes or random things really and I don't see what's the point in saying something to me and saying I'm bad at it when you don't know me you don't know how long I've even been riding regardless you need to shut the fuck up and I know it's not against the rules here my nana lives here I may get pissed off for the littlest things but come on this is fucking stupid I'm on a fuckin sidewalk for crying out loud

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