So many things...

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    Ok I think you guys know my name by now at least I hope you do lol anyway school is coming up really soon but first is band camp mine starts the 24th of this month and Rylie messaged me

  Basically...asking if I was excited for band camp and I just immediately ranted and said yes I am so happy for getting yelled at constantly for not being able to fucking hear😊

And I haven't told all people in band camp yes people in my grade know but not the ones in band camp my friends that are in the high school. That are also in band camp don't know.

     I am plaining on telling one specific person but not sure how just because she knows I dress like a boy she litterly walked up to me and said I swear I thought you were a boy and then she said to her friend dosent that look like ____ I can't spell her name it's the character from Ouran high school host club she pretends to be a boy for the club she dosent care to be recognized as a boy or a girl  but yea
Anxiety just explaining that i am in fact a female 😂 to people I don't know😂😂😂

    I just realized that I hadn't told her yesterday.So yay more coming out which if you really think about it do you ever stop coming out? Everytime you meet a new person you tell them or they know because of a friend or its on your page. Interesting...

     Also I think school is starting two weeks after band camp? I still haven't got my supply list. I Don't know what classes I have,and I don't know when open house is to see where my classes are and my locker which shouldn't be too hard since band camp uses the high school but we are limited to where exactly we can go so idk.

   I really want to know if I get to take my sign language class or not because I had a problem hearing for awhile and had a chance of becoming deaf  and I have a friend that is also hard of hearing and her cousin is deaf  and I want to know that I will be able to communicate with them and it means a lot to me that I am able too and I've always wanted to know how to anyway it's a good thing to learn

    I can sign but I'm not fluent but I really want to be so this class could help me.And she isn't fluent ethier but when we know something we go fast but sometimes the other one dosent know what we're signing as well as we do so we are going back in fourth telling each other to slow down lol so yea I really want this class

Anyway got to go I love you guys stay strong BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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